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Subject: Re: Psychology of Discipline Spankings from a Parent

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Date Posted: 03:53:50 01/09/25 Thu
In reply to: MarkW 's message, "Psychology of Discipline Spankings from a Parent" on 13:15:41 01/07/25 Tue


I have used some of what you posted. Back when Tomas my oldest was 11 years old he became modest. He was embarrassed to have me bare him, then put him in the corner, I do bare bottom corner time before I spank. I would hear and still do "please mum not bare" from him and my youngest would copy him, he would go along with his big brother and ask the same thing, he was not embarrassed yet at the time though (he is now), his reason was it hurts too much, he wanted me to spank him over his trousers or jammies, “mummy a bare bum spanking hurts a million times too much.” That is the other reason why my oldest doesn't want to be spanked bare.

I have almost laughed when they have said this to me, I tell them yes, a bare bottom spanking hurts an awful lot, they are supposed to, that's the point. They still ask and complain that I bare them for their corner time and spanking, they also ask not to be spanked over my lap, I tell them this is how I will continue to spank them, it is up to them to behave and not need me to spank them.

Also for me baring them, taking them over my lap and spanking their bare bottom shows them that 'mum is in charge and I will bare them.'

>It was Helen's interesting observations on the
>relevance of embarrassment as a key factor when
>spanking older children as discipline that suggested
>this thread to me. Being spanked on your bare bottom
>by an Aunt is not something a teenager forgets, as was
>the case for Helen's boy.
>Psychology and spanking go together hand in hand (or
>hand to bottom). When it comes to a good sound
>spanking from a parent, preparation ritual and
>embarrassment have their place. Most of you mothers, I
>have noticed, take their time with the baring process,
>for instance.
>1. Some examples of psychology at play that have been
>used by strict, but loving, parents:
>2. Bare bottomed corner time either before and/or
>after a sound spanking. I recall that Lois uses both,
>for example.
>3. A boy or girl being sent to Mom's bedroom to fetch
>her hairbrush or paddle knowing his or her bare bottom
>will soon be dancing to its tune once put bare
>bottomed across her knee.
>4. A hairbrush/paddle left on the child's bedside
>table as a reminder, after a bare bottomed hiding with
>it from Mom or Dad.
>5. A paddle mounted on the son's bedroom wall. The
>first thing he sees on waking up in the morning.
>6. A bare bottomed spanking bent over the knee as
>family members or friends look on.
>Being made to apologise to the guests after a
>witnessed bare bottom spanking over the parental knee.
>7. Being sent to your bedroom to await your spanking,
>often told to take your trousers and undies down in
>readiness for the promised tanning.
>8. My own mother would always insist I look her in the
>eye as she took my trousers and briefs down before
>patting her thigh for me to bend over. Very pink
>faced as a teenage when she did this.
>9. Spanking 'aftercare' such as a bottom rub still
>bent over Mom's knee, with or without soothing lotion.
>I know I am only scratching the surface with this
>brief foray into the psychological elements of a
>spanking from Mom or Dad, but it does interest me.
>Thoughts on the examples I have provided? Any
>psychological aspects of parental spanking you utilise
>and care to share?

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Subject Author Date
Re: Psychology of Discipline Spankings from a ParentMarkW12:55:23 01/09/25 Thu

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