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Subject: Re: Practical Implement choices

Katherine Peters (UK)
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Date Posted: 08:04:02 01/09/25 Thu
In reply to: Julia 's message, "Re: Practical Implement choices" on 12:12:55 01/08/25 Wed

Hello Julia,

Thank you for your reply and helpful comments- I suppose with paddle you mean a ping-pong style one? As that is cushioned and larger surface area- I actually wonder why I didn't think of it before, I will file that away in brain. My concern with the spoon, even with rubber or silicone is it's a small surface area and seems likely to accidentally bruise or mark darkly, which I would prefer to avoid. It sounds like you have a very practical approach to applying the sting at bedtime with suitably unprotective clothing- I doubt thin pyjamas (and deliberately purchased to not be thick and padded ones, I have no doubt!) stretched over a miscreants bottom feel like much armour at all. Though as you say, with pyjamas lowered, a different game and one your kids must prefer not to play if possible! Thank you again for your helpful thoughts and I hope you have a nice day too- I am avoiding the bitter cold and snow outside

>I completely understand how you feel. I can
>wholeheartedly recommend using a wooden paddle, spoon
>with rubber or silicone padding. A softer material is
>gentle, in a way it is not prone to leave bruises.
>Also, it stings. I usually spank my children at
>bedtime, and a thin layer of pyjamas' or gown's fabric
>is not enough to dampen the awful feeling.
>At times I insist on a bare bottom spanking, and once
>my children lay undressed over my lap, it is a whole
>different game.
>Hope it helps, have a nice day.

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