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Subject: Lord's Name in Vain

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Date Posted: 23:12:28 01/11/25 Sat

Hello - first of all, I've had a busy few months and haven't written anything here in a while. For anyone who doesn't know - my Nicholas is 12.

This afternoon Nicholas and I were about to have lunch. I had my back turned making us plates and heard glass shatter - he accidentally broke a drinking glass and I heard him say softly words that start with G and D. As shocking as it was to hear that, the first order of business was helping him get out of the kitchen without stepping on glass. I told him to wait in his room while I cleaned it up. I didn't feel the need to scold or swat his behind. At this point, he knows he's going to be spanked.

Personally I would never be upset or punish him for breaking a glass accidentally. I usually even go out of my way to reassure him that it's alright. I usually say something like "When I hear a sound like that, I only care that you're okay. I don't care about the glass/vase/whatever." All that to say, there's really no reason he needed to react so negatively, and there's *CERTAINLY* no reason to use language like that.

After I got everything cleaned up, I headed upstairs toward Nicholas' room, but I stopped in my room to get my brush. When I got to his room he was sitting on the bed, and I calmly asked him "Do we even need to discuss why that language isn't acceptable?". Naturally he said "no", and I had him stand up while I tugged his shorts and briefs down. I took his hand and started walking him toward the bathroom that adjoins his room, and when he hesitated I gave him two quick pops on the bottom.

I quickly lathered up a washcloth with soap and began scrubbing the inside of his mouth and his teeth. I had him bite down on the washcloth while he was facing the mirror, and I took the opportunity to give the tempting target some spanks with my hand. I focused on the undercurve of the cheeks which made them bounce comically a little. I took the washcloth out of his mouth and told him he may spit in the sink but not rinse. While he did this, I gave him a couple more swats, and then I led him back to his room.

After I got him over my lap, I took my time adjusting him and looked down at his (mostly still white) bottom. I rested a hand on one side, patted gently and said something like "I have never heard you use that language before and after this, I won't ever again". I started spanking slowly with my hand, giving it a couple seconds between each one, but soon picked up the pace. It wasn't long before there was light crying and wiggling. When I picked up my brush, there hadn't been any reaching back up until that point, but I had a feeling that'd be coming. I preemptively pinned his arm behind his back. Nicholas knows this means he's about to get spanked very thoroughly, and the chorus of pleas and promises really ramps up. Once I start with the brush, you can tell progress is being made, quickly.

When I was done, I pulled him up on my lap and wrapped my arms around, rubbing his back and bottom. After he calmed down, I let him go rinse his mouth out. He came right back for another hug which made my heart feel full. Suffice to say I really don't think I'm going to hear that language again.

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Subject Author Date
Re: Lord's Name in VainMary05:29:35 01/12/25 Sun
Re: Lord's Name in VainIvana08:18:52 01/12/25 Sun
Re: Lord's Name in VainCherie09:11:14 01/12/25 Sun
Re: Lord's Name in VainMegan13:17:13 01/12/25 Sun
Re: Lord's Name in VainStephanie11:20:28 01/13/25 Mon

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