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Subject: Re: Spanking

Steve 52 to Sarah
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Date Posted: 18:00:42 01/10/25 Fri
In reply to: Sarah 's message, "Re: Spanking" on 22:52:35 01/06/25 Mon


You raise a salient point about the sound of an older teen being spanked bare bottom by hand sending a powerful message of deterrence to other children within hearing distance. I experienced that feeling myself as a young teen. Along with other cousins I could hear my older cousin getting spanked by his mother. The sound of the actual spanking and the attendant crying and yelling was so loud that we all cringed. My first thought was that I am glad it is not me. The next thought was do I sound like that when spanked?

As far as the embarrassment factor for the teen being spanked is concerned, it is transitory. As many have written here, when the spanking is over there is a spanking dance with all modesty gone. Any embarrassment about being bared and spanked over the knee has been spanked right out of him. But there is the embarrassment of confronting the cousins who heard the spanking. And everyone remembers it for a long time.

>The old age question of bare bottom or over clothes.
>You can count me as another Mom (and now Grandma) that
>fully supports the practice of always spanking on the
>bare bottom. I definitely feel bare bottom is best,
>but there have been times I have spanked on underpants
>or panties before. Not by choice. But I do agree with
>Helen in that at least in regards to how much it
>'hurts', giving a good, hard spanking on a thin pair
>of undergarments doesn't give all that much protection.
>There have been a few times I have needed to do so
>when I have babysat children where their parents did
>not want me to bare their child's bottom. So I spanked
>their on underpants or panties, and did so good and
>hard, and I can assure you they cried and screamed
>just as loudly as children I have spanked bare bottom.
>That said, I will say again, I do feel bare is
>certainly best. As it has been said, it is safer. You
>can see exactly what you are spanking and reddening.
>Whether you are getting towards the end, or even need
>to go for a good while yet.
>Also, there is no sound like a spanking being given on
>a bare bottom. Where the smacking is still loud on
>thin underpants or panties, there is no comparison on
>a child receiving a good and sound hand spanking on
>their bare bottom. Even though the primary message
>being sent is via the pain receptors, 'hearing' their
>own spanking, the loud repeated (rapid) hand smacking
>their bare bottom sends such a strong message, as
>well. Never mind the sound of the spanking and the
>message it sends to any other child, as well. I don't
>know how many times when I have had to spank, the
>other children have shaped up from just hearing the
>spanking I administered to their sibling, cousin or
>friend. And especially even more so if I spanked in
>front of them.
>Which leads into what I agree with Helen is probably
>the largest factor in spanking bare bottom, the
>embarrassment aspect. Obviously with the little ones,
>it is not an issue. But with any child starting
>sometimes as early as 8 yrs old, that embarrassment
>will start to kick in when they are being bared by
>Mommy. And I can tell you, in this home, after mine
>turned 8, there were still plenty more years of
>spanking with all of my children. And all of them
>'hated' every time I took their underpants/panties
>down and off. Especially if I spanked them in front of
>others, which happened often.
>I've mentioned this before on the forum, but about the
>time my son turned 12 is when he started to really beg
>and plead for me to stop turning him over my knee when
>I would spank him. He hated it before then, as well as
>of course always being bared, but it was at that point
>where he started to really voice his protest on it. He
>would let me know how "childish" it felt. That he
>wished he could lay over his bed (or the couch, if I
>spanked him in the living room). He wanted to be
>spanked "like a man."
>But I let him know, he wasn't a man. He was a naughty
>boy when he misbehaved and earned a spanking. And as
>always, if he didn't want Mommy to bare his bottom and
>turn him over her knee for a spanking, then all he
>needed to do was behave. He was in complete control in
>that regards. But once he misbehaved and a spanking
>was needed, Mommy would decide on how it was done. Of
>course he never liked that answer. But Helen is right,
>embarrassment is really a strong and effective means
>as part of the spanking process. And I will be honest,
>one of the many (and main) reasons I continued to turn
>my son over my lap for his spankings is 'because' of
>how much he hated it. That it reminded him he was very
>much still my boy and was not too old to have his
>bottom bared by me and turned over Mommy's knee for a
>sound spanking if his behavior required it.
>Embarrassing? Most certainly, but a strong, and true,

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