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Subject: Re: Fanny Framing and Other Observations

Madison for Sarah
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Date Posted: 14:24:15 01/13/25 Mon
In reply to: Sarah to Madison 's message, "Re: Fanny Framing and Other Observations" on 08:36:50 01/11/25 Sat

Thank you for your interest and comments, Sarah.

I cannot disagree with anything you said.

And yes, while I cannot quote the exact date Eliza's dad and I had the discussion with her, it has been an extraordinarily long time since she has demonstrated any behavior that would merit any kind of punishment. Normally by this passage of time, she would have earned something like a loss of privileges, but that just has not happened. I think it's a bit ironic how effect a spanking can be as a deterrent to misbehavior, even when it is just threatened, not actually administered. All of this said, as I mentioned before, my little princess seems to be inching closer and closer to getting her first ever spanking, as her sassy attitude is becoming more and more prevalent...she is beginning to skate on thin ice.

I particularly agree with you about not showing preferential treatment for Miss Eliza, given we have come this far with erasing a differing approach for consequences, based on gender. Please don't get me wrong, I'm not one to believe everything in life should be the same for boys and girls, they are different for a reason - but - when it comes to punishments, I believe - NOW - they should be totally equal.

All boys AND all girls, have been gifted with the perfect place for chastisement, as I believe the Good Lord intended, so why should it be utilized only for boys and not for girls? Being honest with myself, my sister and I, when growing up, should have been treated just exactly as our brothers were. She and I have actually discussed this and she completely agrees with me. Sometimes we learn best from our parent's mistakes.

A bared bottom provides a perfect place to administer correction to a misbehaving child and I have no issue with any parent or grandparent (or any other trusted adult) utilizing this "target area" to instill discipline...but OTOH, anyone who would strike any child - boy or girl - on some other part of their body such as the face, head, chest, or back, belongs in prison, IMO.

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