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Subject: Re: Fanny Framing and Other Observations

Sarah to Madison
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Date Posted: 08:36:50 01/11/25 Sat
In reply to: Madison 's message, "Re: Fanny Framing and Other Observations" on 07:47:08 01/11/25 Sat


You won't get any disagreement from me on what a "good and proper spanking" entails. It definitely should be a memorable experience for the child. Not only in regards to the sting and burn they experience, but as you said, the psychological aspect of it, as well.

I can tell you there are spankings my children still relate to me about that I honestly don't remember administering myself. Although they were certainly very memorable to them, which was the important thing as it likely helped them in avoiding another trip over my lap when thinking about doing a similar situation later on (as a child).

How long ago was that talk with her? That really is wonderful that Eliza has seemed to take that discussion to heart as it was around a month ago when you last spoke about it. That she hasn't needed a spanking yet at 11 is really great to see.

I feel you are handling it best in not spanking her any differently than her brothers. There is no reason to do so. I have always feel it is best to treat the children as equal as possible in regards to discipline. Age of course withstanding in regards to level of severity. As I know you treat all of them equally in love and affection, they need to see that you treat them equally in regards to discipline, as well.

And that leads into my next part on your question of modesty. Of course you should do what you feel is best for Eliza, as you and your husband know her better than anyone. However, in my belief of modesty, that is a right, not a privilege. And they lose that right if they have misbehaved and earned themselves a spanking.

As I mentioned in my post to you last month, I have always been a Mom that has spanked "there and then", and now the same as a Grandma. I have never been one to take a naughty child to another room to give them a spanking for privacy. They were/have been treated the same. My feelings are if they want to act up in front of others, they lose the right to modesty and I certainly have no issues spanking in front of others if they want to misbehave in front of them. I will find the nearest place to sit to put them over my knee. And there was never any exceptions for age or gender in that regard.

There were many times my children saw one another spanked over the years. As well as being spanked in front of the extended family, close friends of the family and even their own friends. When they wailed "But they will seeee!" as I began to bare their bottom, I told them "if you didn't want others to see your spanking, then you should have thought about that before <misbehavior why I was giving them a spanking>." or simply "then you should have behaved."

That said, I never made a point to spank in front of others. Like if they acted up in their bedroom, and it was just us two, that is where they were spanked. But I never made a point 'not' to spank in front of others, either.

But it was like that with all of them, there were no exceptions. So they knew it could happen with any of them, at any age. So they never felt they were being treated unfairly over one another, however much of course they hated sometimes having their bottoms bared and spanked where others could see.

But in the end, do what you feel is most comfortable for you and your husband for Eliza. However, I do feel it would be best to treat her as equally as possible to her brothers in all aspects, including on where you administer her spankings. Will she be embarrassed? Absolutely! But that is part of a good and proper spanking, and as we have talked about, a lot of what makes it a very needed memorable spanking for the child.

Please keep us updated on what you decide.


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Subject Author Date
Re: Fanny Framing and Other ObservationsMadison for Sarah14:24:15 01/13/25 Mon

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