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Subject: Re: How common do you think spanking really is these days?

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Date Posted: 20:53:44 02/23/25 Sun
In reply to: Amanda J. 's message, "How common do you think spanking really is these days?" on 17:54:48 02/23/25 Sun


Tough questions and I'm sure most of the answers are well it depends on the country you are in, and even say within the US some regions are more likely to practice it than others.

Then you have other nuances, like some spank but only use it as a last resort or perhaps if other punishments haven't worked. Some will spank young kids but then stop at 7 or 8 or when they become teens.

It has evolved over the years for sure, when I was girl pretty much I'd say at least 80-90% of people my age got it of course I'm talking late 1960's and the 1970's.

I'd say back then virtually nobody was opposed to spankings (other than kids of course). It was just accepted as what you did if you had an unruly, misbehaving kid. Some used implements, some did not, some were bare bottom, others not and of course some parents would do either depending on the offense itself.

Today I think many people even if they do spank don't want to admit it to others because they think it is out of favor, controversial etc. Because of this you don't hear about them as much which is sad for people like you and me that love to hear about them. Back in the 1970's moms seemed to love telling everyone about their deviant little son or daughter that needed a spanking. Moms loved to talk about it and us kids were left blushing and embarrassed which they seemed to get quite a kick out of.

Today you wouldn't tell some stranger hey, I just spanked my little Jeff, Lianne or whatever, cause I'd think they will look down at me, or worse report me to authorities.

Every once in a while though you still hear of a spanking, or hear a threat of one or if you're really lucky (like me several weeks ago) you see a boy in the swim lesson change room showing off a nice red freshly spanked bottom.

I really don't know what the percentage would be today Amanda, I'm sure it's much less but even 20 years ago when my two were getting spanked, I'd hear the odd reference to spankings from some of their friends or parents that were about the same age as me. Now some of them were more of the last resort spanker types but I think that works for some people as well.

If kids just know the threat and possibility of spanking exists and always hangs over them I think it keeps them from going too far off the straight and narrow.

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Re: How common do you think spanking really is these days?Joanne21:37:45 02/23/25 Sun

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