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Date Posted: 2023-04-03 07:28:38
Author: Susan
Subject: Re: How often do you walk barefoot?
In reply to: Jiuk23 's message, "Re: How often do you walk barefoot?" on 2023-04-02 07:34:14

>I hadn't thought of the idea of wool leggings and I
>think it's a great alternative.

They are also super cute wearing their brightly colored wool legwarmers in their respective favourite colours, bright red and sky blue, their naked feet glowing brightly pink with their healthy circulation in colder weather.

>By the way, do other parents agree when their children
>go barefoot?

Some are afraid they might get hurt. We had some discussion about that and agreed that it is best to leave it to the children to decide, to warn them of any danger and tell them to put on shoes if they feel cold or find the ground unpleasant. The other kids also wouldn't go out without foot wear but take it off when they like. Yesterday, a warm sunny afternoon, it was lovely to see a little pile of shoes and socks at the base of a tree all the kids were climbing, and later running around the lawn playing games, they put them back on for the way home though.

>Can they be feet at school or not?
>Because I think if they can't it must be really
>uncomfortable for them. Especially since they are used
>to being barefoot every day.

I agree that school is an environment not really needing shoes and so we checked the regulations and found nothing about shoes in them. Still some teachers brought up concerns about possible injuries, fungus, infections ... We educated our children about the healthy effects on circulation and muscles and reminded them to be cautious so they don't stub their toes, they're actually doing fine in school and never got sick or injured yet, that's the best proof. We also make sure they are nicely dressed and don't get their feet too dirty on the way to school.

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