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Date Posted: 2023-07-09 12:45:42
Author: Hugo
Subject: 4 barefoot children in the family!

Hi, we have four kids aged 6 to 12, two girls and two boys.
I remember going barefoot in summers as a child, and to some degree my wife also did (though not everywhere).
Having learned a lot about the benefits we decided to raise our children mostly barefoot.
They're now constantly barefoot at home, and outside from spring to autumn without interruption.
On the first mild spring days one child typically starts and the others quickly go along!
Now it's mostly a child thing - as parents we're only barefoot at home and in the garden on the hottest summer days, and certainly not in the city, when shopping etc. But that's fine, like this the children have their own thing and they're obviously enjoying it a lot.
It also seems like an adult going barefoot into a supermarket gets at least strange looks, or is even told to put on shoes and leave - whereas we never had such problems when taking a bunch of barefoot kids along. Likewise in the metro trains, downtown in the pedestrian zone ... or when visiting friends and attending events.
They're so adorable, neat and cute with their little wiggly toes out in the open!
Other than a few incidents of thorns or broken glass (not more than once or twice a year) they haven't been injured, but their feet are quite strong and tough now, much more than the shoe-wearing kids!
I guess we're lucky to have a school that accepts them as they are.
It's certainly more practical too than having to check constantly with 4 kids whether all shoes are still fitting! Also we don't get drowned in dirty socks, hehe. Now they each get one pair of shoes for winter and only wear that on the coldest days.

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