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Date Posted: 2023-08-04 14:52:44
Author: Steff
Subject: Re: Little emergencies
In reply to: Carol 's message, "Re: Little emergencies" on 2023-08-03 22:03:19

Today was a long and busy day for me and my two sons, barefoot in the city. First thing in the morning, we left our modest apartment to set off on our adventure. The warm asphalt beneath our feet reminded us that summer had arrived. Despite the absence of shoes, our smiles were bigger than ever, because we knew that every step was an opportunity to discover something new.

We walked through narrow streets, busy sidewalks and parks. My sons were curious about everything, stopping regularly to pick up a shiny pebble or smell the flowers. Their nimble little feet seemed to get used to this freedom of movement, and I was delighted to see them grow up like this, in communion with nature and the city around us.

As the day progressed, we passed through busy, noisy neighborhoods, as well as quieter, more peaceful areas. With each step, we discovered new sensations beneath our bare feet: the coolness of the grass and even the rough asphalt of the shopping streets. My sons seemed oblivious to any discomfort, concentrating on the simple joy of living in the moment.

The day went on, and our feet covered long distances. We stopped for lunch in a shady park, where the soft grass offered a well-deserved respite.

In the late afternoon, we made a detour to a local flea market. As we explored the stalls, our feet were confronted with new challenges: sharper pebbles, rougher paths. But this didn't discourage them - on the contrary. They continued their exploration, enthusiastic and intrepid.

At the end of this memorable day, we headed home with tired but happy feet. As we cleared the dust from our blackened soles, I realized how much walking barefoot brings us a sense of freedom, of connection with nature and with our urban environment.

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