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Date Posted: 2023-08-14 09:44:34
Author: Jan
Subject: We actually had to force our son ...
In reply to: tiptoe 's message, "Children don't need to be forced!" on 2023-06-18 00:29:42

Our 12 year old son has a bit of an obsession for his sneakers ... and recently developed unpleasant smells and itchy toes. Turns out, after a checkup from the doctor, he has athlete's foot, a skin fungus. The doctor prescribed an antifungal cream and recommended that he doesn't wear closed shoes in summer, because the fungus grows mostly in the warm damp environment inside shoes.

After a discussion with my wife, and reading some accounts of children growing up barefoot both in this forum and elsewhere (and their parents), we decided to follow the doctor's recommendation and locked away our son's footwear for the duration of the summer holidays. He wasn't happy at first but then again we think we should have started much earlier to raise our children barefoot ... so to prevent any further health problems we are going the whole way. During the holidays nobody is expecting him to wear shoes so it's the best time to get used to walking barefoot.

How do the others think about this, are we right in forcing him to spend his holidays barefoot? It's certainly better for his health, the doctor agrees with that.

Our 10 year old daughter wears sandals in summer and has no such foot problems, we didn't see a reason to take them away but she actually left them at home ... arguing, why should he be the only one going barefoot? It's fun as well! It was her who showed him in the past weeks all the fun things one can do barefoot, and so it looks like for the rest of the holidays both will go barefoot. Actually we spent last weekend barefoot as a whole family in the park and at the swimming pool.

Once the school starts again they might need shoes again (we have to check with the school's regulations) but we're trying to get them something open-toed or at least more breathing than those mostly-plastic sneakers ... I hope we're going to find him something he likes that doesn't destroy his shoes. Even better if he develops a taste for going barefoot.

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