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Date Posted: 2023-10-16 10:19:48
Author: Anita
Subject: Re: Who loves dirty feet the most?
In reply to: Logan 's message, "Who loves dirty feet the most?" on 2023-10-16 07:01:24

>I really like the fact that you don't care about the
>dirt on your feet. Everyone should think like you and
>consider dirt a badge of honor.

It's a side effect. I find it cute and amusing, the children like it and I made it clear to them it's allright with me as long as they don't drag dirt into the house (so some dark traces are ok but when they leave dark prints I ask them to wipe the floor).

>Who in your family has the dirtiest feet?

That depends on where they've been. My daughter seems to have very clear preferences now, spending time to file and polish her toenails, then walking through a parking garage to get her "sole makeup". The boys are more like they don't care much, occasionally playing in the mud getting dirty to the ankles, but it remains a side effect. I guess the older boy wouldn't consider it cool to have cheesy white soles ...

>What's the dirtiest place you've ever walked barefoot?

There are different kinds of dirt. Big city dust is dark and requires some scrubbing but goes off, tree resin is very sticky, same for the slime of slugs as they might occur on moist days in the garden. Some city underpasses don't seem to get cleaned regularly, some dirt gets in over the years but no rain, so there are corners with an undefinable dark sludge ... or sidewalks dotted with dog droppings (no, my children don't step into that on purpose).

>Does the dirt sometimes persist for several days?

It's enough to scrub them to the point that they don't carry dirt around; during dry periods some blackness will remain on their pads, but during more rainy times they'll get clean again, also in summer when they go swimming in the lake.

>Have you ever gone barefoot in other people's homes?

Yes, I consider it an act of respect to take off footwear at the door, and my children make sure to wipe their feet "clean enough".

>Who likes having dirty feet the most?

As said my daughter goes for a specific style, my older son just doesn't like having all-pale "baby feet" when among his friends and the younger ... doesn't care. "Dirt doesn't hurt" he recently told me.

>Are you, as parents, barefoot and resistant to it?

I guess I could describe myself as a "nice weather barefooter": I'm barefoot at home and in the garden (meanwhile we have an unwritten "bare feet only" rule for all, with a shelf for regularly used footwear at the door, nowadays used only by us parents for most of the year). We aren't picky about it with adult visitors but my children's friends will all take off their shoes/socks/sandals at the door when visiting. I won't bother to put on shoes for quick trips out to the street in front, I love it in the park, we've all walked barefoot on grassy sections of our summer hikes.

But for more dirty or gravelly grounds as well as long city walks or supermarket shopping I'll put on sandals in summer, "minimal/barefoot" shoes (Leguano, Zaqq, Vivo) in winter. I've mostly gotten rid of anything with a raised heel except for one pair of "gala sandals" for really fancy occasions; my children convinced me that more flexible shoes are a lot more pleasant and healthy. But I wouldn't try to compete with them in terms of toughness.

There are occasions though when I enjoy being a dirty-footed child again, and that's when doing work in the garden in the summer. It feels great to dig my toes into the soft earth while taking care of the plants and it's worth the few minutes of scrubbing to get rid of the loose soil. I bought a "gardener soap" for that, which mentions it's specifically for earthy hands and feet after working in the garden. Those are fun days because the children love helping as well (no doubt doing it barefoot makes it more attactive to them).

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