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Date Posted: 2024-01-08 12:49:39
Author: Tamara
Subject: Re: Shorts as well?
In reply to: Anita 's message, "Re: Shorts as well?" on 2024-01-08 02:31:36

Hello Anita,

It is very interesting. It seems that there is a trade-off between being barefoot and having naked legs. I live in the Easter part of Europe, how about you?
Here winter is cold so people don't go barefoot. In summer also only at the beach.
I have never given long pants to my son, he wears shorts even now when we have snow.


>>It is interesting to see how many kids go around
>>barefoot, I never see any where I live. I wanted to
>>ask if your kids also wear shorts all year? Our sone
>>wears shoes but he has to stay in shorts year round.
>>He is 16.
>Hi, Tamara!
>So far our children used to wear shorts in summer,
>shoes in winter and bare feet with long pants in
>spring and fall.
>Meanwhile they're barefoot to the freezing point and
>even a bit below, for limited times of outdoor
>activity even in snow.
>It seems like wearing long pants and legwarmers can
>help with that: If only the feet are exposed and
>everything else is kept warm from ankles up, it's
>easier for the body to keep the toes warm from inside
>since the bloodstream won't lose much of its warmth on
>the way down.
>On a sunny spring day with something like 12°C
>outside in the morning they will go out in shorts and
>a light jacket that they take off when it gets warmer.
>So their "shorts limit" is higher than the "barefoot
>limit" and they will still spend half the year in
>shorts. They certainly wouldn't wear anything on their
>feet during that period!
>We have seen some children and adolescents around town
>in shorts in near-freezing weather (wearing socks and
>shoes though) and I read of a tradition on the British
>isles (with maritime climate where temperatures don't
>get extremely hot or cold) that children below a
>certain age used to wear shorts or knee-long skirts
>all year, with wool socks in winter, bare feet in
>So in our family it's "feet first, knees second" when
>looking at the order of what's bared when it warms up.
>So you never got long pants for your son? How cold
>does it get where you live?

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