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Date Posted: 2020-06-12 09:31:27
Author: Susan (happy)
Subject: Pure beauty

I truly enjoy watching my kids grow up and doing my part in helping them in their development.
With regard to the topic of this forum, don't you all agree that the feet of little children are wonderful, adorable and a thing of cute beauty?
So soft and flexible at birth, they soon get dexterous enough to be used almost like a second pair of hands.
And then, as they learn to get up, free little toes grabbing the ground finding balance, helping the child to keep from falling.
Soft baby fat soon makes the way for muscles and day by day, the smooth and delicate baby skin gets tougher and more leathery, while arches start to form and you can watch the child get better and better at moving, walking, running, learning to climb.
Those tender-footed baby steps are soon taken outside and it looks so easy how they're adjusting to walking on pavement, earth, even gravel (though they still avoid gravel if they can, sometimes it's hard for a barefoot adult to keep up with them)!
Then again, in the evening as we're telling stories or watching films, I love having a child in my lap and then I often find my fingers stroking their cute feet, wiggly toes and gently-toughened soles. They both enjoy the attention, being highly sensitive, though I take care not to tickle them too much. And of course I'm telling them how cute they are and how much I love them.
For them it's just a normal part of everyday life, but I'm certain that later in their life they will look back to their happy barefoot childhood with fond memories.

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