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Subject: Re: I got my license!

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Date Posted: 16:45:39 02/26/25 Wed
In reply to: Pauline 's message, "Re: I got my license!" on 09:58:39 02/26/25 Wed

Sorry, I wasn't trying to be mysterious about what I said. It's pretty rude, and honestly out of character for me. I'm just embarrassed I said it, and would rather not repeat it.

As for how quickly it all happened, I was surprised too, lol! I think that was because it really was more of a warning. If it had been a real punishment, then I'm sure we would have had a discussion first. Especially since being deliberately disrespectful is NOT at all like me, I'm sure she would have wanted to figure out what the heck was going on with me, and make sure we were on the same page about what was (and was not) acceptable, before deciding on any consequences.

I think the idea of accidents vs. purposely breaking rules is super important. You sound like a thoughtful and reasonable mom about that. 🙂 In this case, I think my horrified expression and the fact that I actually clapped my hand over my mouth, were pretty good signs that it had been an accident.

And it's kinda funny that you mentioned peace offerings. I am actually a champ when it comes to hanging on to guilty feelings. After mom gave me that mini-spanking, I apologized again, and she gave me a hug and assured me that we were ok. She said that I just needed to be more mindful and not get carried away, even if we were joking and teasing each other. Most of my guilt went away when I saw that she understood I hadn't really meant it. But I did give her an unsolicited foot rub that night when we were watching TV. ☺️

Hope you have a lovely day too.

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