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Subject: Re: Spanking the breasts

Clara Ann to Yvonne
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Date Posted: 19:29:40 03/07/25 Fri
In reply to: Yvonne to Clara Ann 's message, "Re: Spanking the breasts" on 15:29:44 03/07/25 Fri

Dear Yvonne,

I found your note about your situation very interesting. It seems like you found your true soul mate, your husband, just as I found mine. I feel it is always so helpful in a marriage when both of the partners share the same interest and ideas about how their children should be disciplined, no matter what methods seem to work well for them. I encounter very few mothers and fathers that know how effective breast spanking can be for young girls in their teen years--getting fast, and painful, and very satisfactory results almost immediately. And I am sure, as you note, although I have never experienced this, breast punishment of the wife by a husband would almost certainly be just as effective as a means of wifely discipline as it is for teen daughters.

I believe you said that you now both spank his 13 year old daughter, and I assume that you both spank her breasts. Have you found that to be very satisfactory--spanking the breasts of a 13 year old girl? You also noted that now, after you both have been disciplining the three girls, that you two "have hard sex afterwards, where my breasts also receive their fair share of punishment." That must have been (and must be now) a unique experience for you, to have your breasts spanked by your new husband. Can you tell us more details about how he does that? Does he use a plastic or wooden ruler to spank your breasts or what? And you also mentioned if I read you right that his daughter (now your daughter, too) in addition to getting her breasts spanked, also gets spanked on "legs, butt and sometimes on her crotch." Do you spank her pussy as well as your husband, or is he the only one who does that? Again, I'd really love to have you give us some details on that--what does he spank her pussy with, in what position does he have her to do that, and is this just a few whacks or a real spanking that makes her bawl and cry very hard? Again, I found your note very iteresting and would love a few more details. Love, Clara Ann

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Subject Author Date
Re: Spanking the breastsBetty to Yvonne11:59:33 03/09/25 Sun
    Re: Spanking the breastsYvonne to Carla Ann and Betty16:48:30 03/11/25 Tue

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