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Subject: Re: I got the paddling

Janice O
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Date Posted: 20:46:27 03/11/25 Tue
In reply to: Darlene to Janice 's message, "Re: I got the paddling" on 19:21:42 03/10/25 Mon

Janice O is for "original." I didn't write mean things to Darlene who shared her experiences with me.
I know how Darlene feels when she's stripped and spanked in front of people.

Mrs. R only got to spank me two more times because I started playing sports after school so would only be at her house for a short time and believe me I stayed out of her way!

The next time it was a school holiday but mom worked so I had to spend the whole day next door. Mrs R was bossing me around and at one point she warned me to behave or else get spanked. The kids heard her and when she was gone they teased me about how they had seen me "crying with no pants on" like it was so funny.
I snapped and told them to "shut the hell up" and they ran to their mom to tell on me for "swearing at them." Mrs. R immediately said she was going to spank me but I was like oh hell no!

"Just wait until your mom gets here," she smiled. I was so scared for hours! I tried to tell mom what happened but she just said I'd "cussed at little kids" and told Mrs. R to "go ahead, give Jancie a good spanking."
I was so angry! But I felt surrounded by everyone who wanted me to get a bare bottom spanking so I gave in.

I know what you mean Darlene about having your clothes removed as Mrs. R took her time lowering my jeans and panties. I just covered my face and cried, not wanting to see the kids looking at me all bare like that.
It was only a hand spanking but it lasted a LONG time and my buns/thighs were bright red and stinging and I did wiggle and cry much to the delight of the kids!

What comments do you hear when you are being spanked in front of everyone?

>Hi, Janice
>It was so nice to see your note. When you talk about
>how you felt when your mom used to spank you in front
>of Mrs. R and her two brats, you describe just how I
>feel when Aunt Terry comes over with their two kids
>and they sit and clearly all enjoy watching Uncle Dan
>pull off my clothes and spank me in front of them.
>Having them there grinning and making comments while I
>get spanked makes it twice as bad, but my mother, just
>like yours, thinks its a great addition to my
>punishment to have them there to watch, and she and
>Aunt Terry sip their coffee and make encouraging
>noises to Uncle Dan as he spanks me just like her kids
>Uncle Dan's kids are a boy who just turned 6 and who
>will start school next year and a girl who turned 5 a
>couple of months ago. Just over a year between them so
>Uncle Dan calls them Irish twins (we're Irish). I have
>seen Aunt Terry spank both of them but only twice.
>Once when I was at their house and the kids were
>acting up and making way too much noise. Aunt Terry
>spanked them in the living room naked so my mother and
>I at least got to watch and enjoy that and Aunt Terry
>spanked them real good too.
>The other time they were still at my house after my
>spanking was over and and Aunt Terry was telling about
>what brats they were the day before in the park, and
>Uncle Dan said they should both get a spanking for
>that conduct, and Aunt Terry agreed. So Aunt Terry
>stripped the boy and spanked him really good and then
>Uncle Dan stripped the girl and gave her a not
>too hard but very long spanking, like he enjoyed
>keeping her crying for quite a while like he does with
>me, except he spanks me a lot harder of course.
>I'd also like to hear about other times Mrs. R spanked
>you. And after that time, when your mother was told
>you misbehaved and she spanked you over there, did
>your mother take down your panties and spank you on
>the bare after that?
>Really enjoyed your note, Janice. Thanks, Darlene

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Subject Author Date
Re: I got the paddlingDarlene to Janice O and others if interested18:13:49 03/12/25 Wed

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