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Subject: Re: I got the paddling

Darlene to Janice O and others if interested
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Date Posted: 18:13:49 03/12/25 Wed
In reply to: Janice O 's message, "Re: I got the paddling" on 20:46:27 03/11/25 Tue

Dear Janice O,

I was so pleased that you wrote your follow-up note. Needless to say I was shocked to get that nasty and uncalled for note from the phony Janice and that other jerk who joined in to imply I was not a real person. Why? Because I guess he just assumes everyone on here is lying and fantasizing.

You described perfectly, Janice, the violated feelings I get when my Aunt Terry and her two brats come along with Uncle Dan and gleefully watch him spank me to a blubbering mess. At least, knowing that those kids get spanked, too, helps me to deal with that a little, but it is still really painful. I have tried to talk to my mother about this, but I get a deaf ear. The truth is she likes to sit back with her pal, Aunt Terry, and watch Dan spank me good.

One thing, I used to not blame Uncle Dan for spanking me because I felt he was just helping out mom after she started working, but after he was more than glad to come and spank me on Saturdays when she is there and could do it herself, and when he brings his bitch wife along and his kids to watch him spank me, all my prior affection for him just went out the window. He knows it now, too.

He keeps trying to kid with me and he tries to act like "a pal" just doing a job to help out my mother, you know, but now I don't even greet him anymore, or speak to him at all, and I push him away when he tries to give me a hug or a kiss, and I am glad to say I can see that bothers him. And I used to play with and be nice to his kids but now I don't even speak to them and as soon as I am allowed to I go to my room and stay there while they are here.

And now there is nothing but ice between me and my mother, and when she tried to talk to me after they left the house on Saturday, I just put on my jacket and left the house and did not come back until just before dinner.

We'll see how things go tonight. I'm thinking of refusing to let Uncle Dan spank me and if I can keep me nerve I'll lock the door to my room when he comes over here in half an hour and we'll see what he does. Thanks so much for letting me know that other Janice was a phony. Love to you, and I mean that. Darlene

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Subject Author Date
Re: I got the paddlingBrett20:08:06 03/12/25 Wed
Re: I got the paddlingJanice O20:32:33 03/14/25 Fri

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