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Subject: \\Wicked//

Usher of Death
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Date Posted: 11:35:53 11/12/02 Tue
In reply to: /Muerna\ 's message, "/Flare\" on 03:43:59 11/12/02 Tue

\\Fury. How dare he attack the night that sttod before him. With lashes taken, the brute surged in magnificent electricity, halo of death encircling him. Only three strikes, would he take, until the shadows became him. He would not waste his energy on this clumsy too-much-to-say beast. From his darkness, sharp gaze watched as he fluttered away, like the little thing he was. Verbiage would do nothing to prove himself. And their propinquity, for the moment, only made the virile more annoyed. Regret would bite his ass for him, soon enough. Returning to pelt of flesh and blood, the stallion stood before the two, ignoring and almost lauging at the trickles of blood that cascaded his knees to hoof's length. He dared to almost lick it, the taste of blood always enticing. But he did this, not. Dark seekers went back to the mare, who's name his mind still hadn't clearly concieved, and labrums pulsed in speach.//

Wanna tell me who that character is? The one that will be happy to live the next time I meet him.....

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*Darkness*Demon Cry17:46:23 11/12/02 Tue

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