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Subject: Prologue and Chapter 1

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Date Posted: 16:32:55 08/23/04 Mon
In reply to: Ripple Silentsplash who doesn't have writers block anymore!!!! *Squeals happily* 's message, "Oy!! I've returned!" on 15:54:19 08/23/04 Mon

A knock sounded on the gatehouse door. The old Recorder, an aged squirrel, smiled knowingly to herself as she called from across the room, "Come in!"
Two dibbuns raced inside; one was an otter, and the other a squirrel. They danced around her chair, giggling as they shouted with glee, "Tell 's a s'ory! Tell 's a s'ory!" She chuckled and lifted them both onto her lap. "What sort of story would you like me to tell?"
They answered in unison. "An a'venture wiv hewo Wevin!!"
The squirrel nodded sagely, squinting down at them. "Ahh yes, Revin... I do believe I recall a story about him.."
The dibbuns snuggled deep into her, the only other sound being the crackling of the fire as the Recorder began to speak in a hushed voice.

"Come young ones, and listen to the tale of four brave warriors of olden times... When honor and courage, and the Warrior Code, were all a part of our lives.."


The moon glowed silently in the sky; all around it stars twinkled merrily and clouds drifted past. All seemed peaceful. Then, in the grass, someone, or something, moved!
Chrassneyah was coming! And after her arrival, nothing would ever be the same.
Chrassneyah, the beast that could not even be found in ones worst nightmares.
Chrassneyah, the cruelest vermin ever to touch the earth.
The evil adders voice poisoned the air, as she slithered her way along, "Ssssssleep well tonight, woodlanderssss, Chrassssneyah issssss coming, beware!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Aubbressia (Aubbress for short) leaned over the wall top, frowning into the darkness, trying to shake off the feeling of uneasiness that had overcome her. But try as she might, she simply couldn't. A voice beside her made her jump.
"What are you doing alone at the ramparts, my child?" Aubbress turned and gave a relieved smile.
"Oh, it's just you, Father Abbot." She sighed, and turned her gaze to the pitch-black sky above, which was pinpricked with stars. She was silent for a minute, but finally spoke her mind,
"Abbot Jerl, I've got a really bad feeling. My neck fur is all standing on end, and I'm feeling really uneasy!"
Abbot Jerl lifted his nose and sniffed the air, "Hmmmm. Aye! You are right, my muscles have all gone tense."
Aubbress nodded, "I don't like this silence either, Father. Normally there are frogs croaking, the songs of night birds, or at least some crickets chirping."
Shuddering, both redwallers left the wall top and headed off to bed, though Abbot Jerl murmured in Aubbress's ear, " I'm not sure that I'll EVER get to sleep, with all the horrible things my mind is dreaming up!!"
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
There was a slight shriek as a sleeping mousemaid was snatched from her home, poison fangs stuck deep into her shoulder. The last thing that the babe heard before falling into the clutches of death, was an evil hissing voice, "Be ssssssilent, do not disssssssturb othersssssss with your criesssss, but sssssssleep..."
Chrassneyah was getting nearer!

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Chapter 2Ripple14:06:22 08/24/04 Tue

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