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Subject: Miss T&T Earth 2011

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Date Posted: Tuesday, August 23, 05:36:34pm
Author Host/IP: cuscon1848.tstt.net.tt/

...is Melanie George Sharpe, from what I gather. She was a delegate in the famously poor sampling of Miss World T&T 2010 (or was it 2009-either way a horror of a pageant) . She looks cute and stood out from the other delegates at the MT&T Oneness pageant BUT why are we having a separate pageant for METT when they could have simply joined with either the MUTT or MWTT pageant team this year and held a joint screening and selection process with a much higher calibre of delegates?

I don't know if Ms. Sharpe has improved any from her stint at MWTT but I have to say that the franchise holder will learn pretty soon that no one in this country has any money to spare to just send a clapper to a pageant. It is difficult enough to place when we send real competitors.

All the best to the METT team. I really hope Ms. Sharpe has improved but I am not holding my breath.

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