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Date Posted: Tuesday, August 23, 09:07:31pm
Author Host/IP: LLagny-156-35-28-214.w80-14.abo.wanadoo.fr/

Hey all Well I am extremely excited for this Miss Universe Pageant. Why? we are seeing the most competitive bunch of girls in years. we can at least pick 15 favorites from pre arrival and now that they are in Brazil you can add 5 more. for the first time it is so wide open. i love that. I hated in 2005 when we all knew that Canada was going to win or last year for that matter (Mexico and Ireland were the two pegged to win from the start). this year no one can even chance placing money on a delegate. i love it This means we will literally following every little detail from every contestant and every contestant will have to make sure everything is flawless. Which makes it much tougher for them and more entertaining for us.

With 89 delegates it's going to be a climb for Gabby and though I was uncertain about her in the local leg I really do wish her the best I know how badly this means to her. Please god let them get it right. I must admit she is surely shining in some of those pictures. I really hope to see her in the top 15 and hopefully the crown.

now on to other topics.

I get it MUO you are trying to draw traffic to your website but having the internet choose a rep is a faulty idea and it takes away credibility. Lets be real after you took away the prestige of Miss photogenic as well as Best National costume by putting it in the hands of online voters you are now giving a girl a free pass based off of popularity. Here's my thing if you realize every time you open up voting that the same countries are winning then obviously your system is flawed. If Thailand Philippines or Puerto Rico win anything this yeah I would really just have to roll my eyes as would everyone in the audience. Quite frankly i think even people from those countries roll their eyes lol

Here's to a great edition to Miss Universe.

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