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Subject: O.K. Let me be quite honest...

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Date Posted: Friday, September 09, 05:34:23am
Author Host/IP: cuscon1879.tstt.net.tt/
In reply to: Pgwhizz 's message, "Gabby's performance" on Friday, September 09, 12:57:01am

I doubt this year I can give a prediction list because my internet connection is too slow and at the same time I have not been following the pageant as closely as I have done in previous years so I will post favorites from the little I have seen over the past 2 weeks -not just the presentation show (which for me is what I really need to look at to come up with a good idea of how Gabby did overall in comparison to other reps.). Now that being said, I just saw a couple pics of Gabby in gown and I have to say I do NOT like it. I am sure she was not top 9 in gown.

Pgwhizz, thank you for your honesty but I have have to say she does not have 10 secs to do well she has 2-4 seconds to do well-by then the judges already have a score for her in their head. I tried that "8-10 sec" scoring mess in 2008 for that hot mess crap that Peter Elias put her in - based on her actual placement I have to say that 17th spot was accurate as I had her 12/11th based on the first 3 sec. assessment. Once Gabby nailed the first 4 secs she is in.

Based on her SS preview phot, I have to say Gabby is definitely top 20 in that segment. Additionally, I would not be surprised if she was top 9 among a few of the judges but I suspect the judges either really loved her body and thought nothing of it. I think even though it is not the very slim, elongated SS body we see at MU, her body looked crazy good.

Gownwise- what can I say- I could have designed something better. This was a whimper, not a 'WOW.' Considering that they kept this gown a 'secret' we were all expecting something with more impact.

As of now these are my top favorites:
1. Venezuela (possible winner- my top pick currently)
2. China (possible winner but she is beatable, not unstoppable)
3. France (could she pull a surprise top 4?)
Additional standouts: PR (but I do not like her face), Vietnam (I totally love her look and I am probably being naive by saying I expect her to place when I totally am not confident of her interview skills)

USA cannot make even top 16 on MERIT. So here are my MUOrg pics: USA, BRAZIL, BAHAMAS. Also possibly, Greece, T&T and maybe Egypt (but she looks alot more disappointing than I expected). Yes, I am giving Gabby the benefit of the doubt- based on what we know about her interview skills I will say she probably made top 9 in the interviews, strong SS performance but the gown was just O.K. I think it was enough to at least attract MUorg's attention to be considered as one of their picks. If this was any other previous T&T rep. I would say we don't have a chance of being a MUorg pick but this is Gabby- she fits the beauty pageant mould that MUorg is looking for in a big way.

P.S. I think Guam is the cutest delegate this year. She could never place on merit though.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Pgwhizz...

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Date Posted: Friday, September 09, 06:15:24am
Author Host/IP: cuscon1879.tstt.net.tt/

...I just saw of pic of Gabs in SS and I see what you are talking about. That half-smile looks so intense and she is trying to be a little too 'forced' sexy. I would have preferred some tasteful fun smiling that was not overly done. The body was slammin' though. I hope the judges loved it.

I am still waiting to see a full frontal pic of Gabby in her gown because the ones that I have seen so far are with her at an angle and she looks short and fat in them. Why am I seeing so much detail from just below the breasts to just below the her tush is beyond my comprehension. Look at how slim she looked in her white prelim interview outfit. NO WAY WAS THIS RED GOWN A BOBBY ACKBERALI CREATION.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: :-|

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Date Posted: Friday, September 09, 08:33:38am
Author Host/IP: NoHost/

Trini77 is take some consolation in your argument. To tell you the truth, I slept horribly last night, it was almost as if the pageant had already taken place and she did not place, this is how concern I am.

However, waking up this morning and reading your review, I decided to take a look at last years leaderboard published by Globalbeauties....Here's their predictions:

14. T&T

But look at what really happened...

1. IRELAND placed but failed to win (top 10) as predicted
2. MEXICO (won, however didn't even ace the finals, Jamaica did)
3.PHILIPPINES (4th runner-up, I think she was only there due to large Filipino crowd, I still am not impressed by her SS skills)
4.RUSSIA (T15)...She basically fell from 4th to TOP 15!
5.JAMAICA (1st runner up, I felt based on older MU principles, she deserved to win...)
7.USA (Did not even place!)
8.UKRAINE (3rd, thus a leap from 8th to 3rd!)
9.AUSTRALIA (2nd, a leap from 9th to 2nd runner up)
12.P.RICO (TOP 10)
14. T&T (NO PLACE!)
15.FRANCE (TOP 15)

In essence, they got the winner wrong, 3 out of their 15 failed to place, 1 of that 15 (T&T) didn't deserve to place based on her prelims...USA was just plumped in their because she's USA.

The rest...

16.THAILAND (no place!)
17.CZECH REP. (top 15)
18.GUATEMALA (top 10)
19.VENEZUELA (no place!)
20.BELGIUM (top 15)

Again, 3 out of their bottom 5 placed, meaning the same 3 that were predicted to place in the top 15 can replace the bottom 3 they didn't expect to make top 15....

Thus my prayer is that when GB/Missology come out with their rankings, Gabby is at LEAST in their TOP 20. I'll have comfort in that and the mere fact as you say Trini77 that she's probably a closer mould to what MUO is looking for in comparison with our previous delegates.

I'd like to talk to her though to see what went wrong, I feel its a mixture of maybe a bad interview, plain nervousness or she probably paid too much attention to all these rankings and comments being posted. I wish our delegates were less into the feedback during the pageant and more focussed on their goals until prelims....sigh

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Not really feeling your argument

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Date Posted: Friday, September 09, 12:49:26pm
Author Host/IP: cpe-76-94-226-47.socal.res.rr.com/

Here is my thing about your argument. Due to Gabby's age and to her height Gabby had to have made it to the top 16 on merit. The MUO chooses the same types of girls every year and it is simple, Fadil the photographer who takes the annual glamour shot said it blatantly in a recent interview Miss Universe needs to be modelesque and pretty and that is it. Yes in Trinidad Gabby is a great model but she won't work internationally and that's the truth. That isn't saying she isn't stunning but in a group where you have the strongest competition in years it isn't enough to be stunning. To even get the MUO to look your way this year unlike other years you really needed to perform well in the presentation show. Simply because there are a boat load of stunners this year so what separates you from the pack. Lets face it Miss U is not like Miss W who is looking for a woman with Brains. Quite Frankly MUO would be delighted if the winner had some substance but could careless if she didn't that being said Gabby's interviewing skills which is her main asset has just been down graded a bit more.

All I am saying is her performance was not memorable on a night where she needed to shine extremely bright there were so many other stars. And the honest truth is USA was literally the only front runner that dropped the ball big time. lesser favorites like Puerto Rico Albania and Kosovo actually gained strength.

If Gabby makes it I will eat my word but with my experience following this pageant over the years I have to conclude that she's out

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Hey YOYO...

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Date Posted: Friday, September 09, 01:24:46pm
Author Host/IP: cuscon3517.tstt.net.tt/

...I really appreciate your candor and agree with the majority of things you said. The only difference between our positions is how we view the top 6 MUorg picks.

In my opinion all of our 8 former MU placers had to earn their spots on merit. Gabby did not place in my top 9 based on the prelims and so in my opinion she is totally out.

However, I still think she has a slim chance of making the top 16 because her body is different for the majority of the other ladies but still slammin' plus she has one of the best faces in the competition.

Realistically, on any given year I would NOT expect any of MUorgs picks to win. In fact, if in the last 8 years or so of MUorg picking 5-6 of the semifinalists- if at least one won, I would be shocked. All MUorg cares about is what type of girls will keep an audience watching or which Trump wants for business leverage (e.g. possible host/hotel opening, models for his agency, etc.). Gabby could never be a Trump model but she has a look that works for T.V. Additionally, yes we know Trump probably outright says put a couple in regarless of how the MUorg officials feel but if Paula S. still has some say, she is personally going to advocate for ladies who have good looks WITH substance. This is why LaToya basically screwed herself last year...the Trump people used her for mileage but none of the old heads in the MUorg from the 1990s who are still there would be impressed with a topless winner.

That being said, look at the top 15 from the last 8 years, they all have ONE thing in common -if you did a merit list based on the prelim gown and SS they would ALL be in the top 30 with the exception of about 4-5. So I will still say Gabby has a slim chance of being one of MUorg's picks.

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