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Subject: The politics of Miss Universe

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Date Posted: Saturday, September 17, 04:52:09pm
Author Host/IP: 207-237-242-127.c3-0.80w-ubr1.nyr-80w.ny.cable.rcn.com/

Hi everybody I didn't post on this forum for awhile. I decided to watch the proceedings of the last week of Miss Universe and make my comments after. I have seen some of your comments about what went wrong and what type of delegate we should send. All I have to say is that after last year's and this years pageant don't even bother making recommendations.

I have noticed that the delegates that are 'invited' to official MUO events either before or during the pageant almost always make the semis - this year's event the Operation Smile event - China, Brazil, USA, Philippines and Venezuela. Last year Mexico, Philippines, Australia, some others can't remember now with the exception of Haiti made the semis. So therefore what is the premise of the presentation show when the MUO is already choosing who they want in the top 15/16.

As far as the judges choice I honestly after this year don't believe that the judges choose anybody. The only judges that choose are the ones for the final night and even they don't ask their own questions but are given questions by the MUO.

Ok here are my biggest problems with the direction the MUO is going and my biggest problems from this year:

USA - even though I like Alyssa at Miss USA but let's be real she showed to Miss Universe looking like a Somali refugee. She emaciated and looked AWFUL. But it wouldn't look good for NBC and MUO to have Miss USA missing the semis 2 yrs in a row. So kick out a deserving 'healthy' delegate and put in the crypt keeper.

Colombia - sorry never got this girl and never will. Lets face it she had the least attractive features of the top 16 but wait I forgot flashing your vagina gets you into the top 16 these days. So apparently missy miss commando picture was the most searched item on Yahoo so ppl will tune in to see if she had on panties or not I guess.

Brazil - I don't care about host country rights this girl looked 35. People talked about Gabby's age but at least Gabby's was attractive. Oh and all of a sudden having naked pictures gets you 2nd runner up at Miss Universe.

Kosovo - Another blah delegate that never lived up to her photoshop hype. She also had a very unhealthy looking body oh but wait I forgot that Fadil Berisha holds the franchises for Miss Albania and Miss Kosovo so as long as he is the 'official photographer' for Miss Universe one of or both of these countries will make the semis not matter what they look like.

Netherlands - proof that the preliminaries are a load of crap. This girl walk out on stage like she took Nyquil before competing and still made it. Ummm ok.

Panama - Thank you for hosting Miss Universe in 2013 and paying us millions upfront. This girl always looked like at 10 year old playing dress up.

Portugal - How the hell a country who hasn't participated in MU since 1992 all of a sudden win the popular vote!!!!!!!!!! Wait Brazil was a Portugese territory ummmm ok.

My conclusion is unless MUO like or choose your delegate before hand or they flash their va jay jay forget. I hate the way this pageant is being run and never thought that I would say this but bring on Miss World!!! Peace out people.

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[> Subject: Thanks C!

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Date Posted: Sunday, September 18, 11:11:43am
Author Host/IP: cuscon1800.tstt.net.tt/

I always look forward to what you have to say. I agree with about 90-95% with what you are saying -the other 5 % is pretty trivial.

This year's pageant in my mind was in fact the biggest political, back-door pageant I have ever witnessed. At least at MW it is the judges who do the judging before the final and yes-BRAINS count big time.

This year, forget about brains. I actually disagree with YO-YO's view that we are seeing a return to the 1990s style -if this was true Gabby would be at least top 10. Angola was a surprise winner for about 90% of the people out there, including the MUorg.

Based on the top 5 it was obvious China (yes, she was and still is my fav along with Venezuela) was put in the top 5 with very little competition. If she had nailed the interview question she would be MU right now. China has taken over as the big enconomic world power and it would have been good business sense for Trump to crown her.

Really, Phillipines and Brazil -yes both were MUorg picks but how the heck they made top 5 (or top 10 for that matter) is beyone me (I would have loved to see the scores from these judges live). Venezuela and PR would have made top 5 if they were not removed from the top 10. Kosovo and USA just looked like as#-less skeletons -way to go future MUSA contestants- apparently anorexia is acceptable by MUorg.

I don't understand how anyone could think MU2011 was a fair competition when at least 7 of the semifinalist were chosen by MUorg. I liked Columbia at the presentations show but I have to agree that the va-jay-jay incident should have spelt the end of her chances at the semis - on the contrary though, I do think she was probably a MUorg pick - even bad press is good advertisement as La Toya would say but Columbia had the benefit of never having a chance of ever winning the title (unlike La Toya).

I'll take MW over this nonsense any day. A big concern for me is the very small size of T&T and essentially our insignifacne in terms of economic and political leverage - if we send 5 reps. that actually make top 9 of MU on merit I would not be suprised to see only one called in the semis. I really can't pound Ian Lee and hit team this year because they did the best they could. The only 2 issues I have is 1. they need to get input from people outside of their circle to give a truthful assessment of what gown our delegate is wearing and 2. Please crown MUT&T at least 7 months prior to the pageant -essentially she would have 6 solid months of training.

If it was up to me, I would begin screening for the semis in November and crown the new MT&T in December. We would then have enough time to prepare an unseasoned delegate properly. Aditionally, we all know we will be clapping at ME2011, but someone from the MUTT team needs to approach the franchise holder for Miss Oneness TT and and try to merge the selection process for both pageants.

I have really big concerns if Shinequa decides to enter MUTT. I think she should enter MWTT because I think her beauty will be better appreciated and she would get a fair placement at MW.

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