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Subject: Recap of local Miss T&T 2011 Pageant Cycle!

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Date Posted: Friday, September 30, 05:22:31pm
Author Host/IP: cuscon1842.tstt.net.tt/

Most Beautiful Body:
1. Shinequal M. Francis
2. Lee Ann Forbes
3. Gabrielle Walcott

Fittest Body (Miss Physique):
1. Lee Ann Forbes
2. Gabrielle Walcott
3. Shinequa M. Francis

Best in Gown:
1. Shinequal M. Francis
2. Lee Ann Forbes
3. Gabrielle Walcott

Most Beautiful Face:
1. Gabrielle Walcott
2. Anna Rosa Banfield
3. Jessica Didier

Most Stunning Look:
1. Shinequal M. Francis
2. Nariba Edwards
3. Lee Ann Forbes

Top Model:
1. Shinequa M. Francis
2. Nariba Edwards (High-fashion)
3. Lee Ann Forbes

Most Commercial Model: Lee Ann Forbes

Best Interview: Gabrielle Walcott

We did not place at MU2011 and I don't expect to see us anywhere close to the semis at Miss Earth 2011. As for MW2011 though, Trinbagonians can be secure in the fact that we have one of the top 10 contenders for the crown. Lee Ann has what it takes to win the title. In about 18 days she departs for London and I have to say that her latest pics show that she will also be one of the top contenders for the Beach Beauty and Top Model Awards.

With respect to the upcoming 2012 Miss T&T pageant cycle, rumor has it that MW has asked the franchise holders to crown their winners before the end of April 2012 and some are speculating that MU2012 will be in July. I am personally hoping that both reps (MU and MW)are crowned before the end of January next year given that Carnival is in February. However, I suspect that MUTT2012 may be held as late as March next year if Shinequa has already indicated she plans to screen again.

Apart from Shinequa, I am not sure of any other call back from the 2011 cycle for the MU or MW titles. Ann Rosa looks short but I think she should screen for MET&T. Vaneeta Maharaj has a banging body but at 5'5" she will be overlooked at either of the top 2 international pageants.

It will be interesting to see who ends up as MWT&T2012 early next year, because as of now I don't see any strong prospects.

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