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Date Posted: Sunday, September 11, 09:23:09pm
Author Host/IP: cpe-76-94-226-47.socal.res.rr.com/

Hey y'all I am so excited for tonight. This has been one of the best editions of Miss Universe I have ever seen. There truly are any number of different combinations for the top 16 that I am sure we will accept, unless of course they come way out of left field.

Anyway a lil more exciting news that I heard from a source close to the team. I was told that Gabby's gown will be changed if he does make it to the finals. Now I am hoping that that is true but you never know with these things. My source though is pretty reliable.


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[> Subject: Thanks YOYO, I am crossing my fingers that Gabby makes it.

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Date Posted: Monday, September 12, 06:47:18am
Author Host/IP: c-69-137-6-131.hsd1.fl.comcast.net/

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[> [> Subject: I am so proud of Gabby!

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Date Posted: Monday, September 12, 03:35:34pm
Author Host/IP: cuscon1792.tstt.net.tt/

Our girl did a FANTASTIC JOB! She is one of the best reps. we have ever had, regardless of what transpires tonight. I am personally expecting her to be called into the top 16 but if it does not happen I am still so proud of our girl. She is such a classy and courageous young lady!

That being said, I have to say I am glad to hear that the gown will be changed.

As for tonight, we all expect China and Venezuela to make waves tonight. I would like to say in my opinion one of the final 5 places is already taken by Puerto Rico - that gown is just too fantastic for her not place in the final 5.

I also like Albania, Greece (possible top 5 even with the dated gown), Ukraine, Costa Rica, Peru, Colombia (possible top 5- I know no one else seems to think she will even place because of the underwear fiasco-I guess I am out in that boat alone. Lol!), Israel, Malaysia, and of course, Brazil will be there. I am still a bit jaded by how thin USA and Kosovo are but I think USA will place.

All the best to our girl. She can rest assured that T&T is 100% behind her.

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[> [> [> Subject: ...o.k.....

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Date Posted: Monday, September 12, 04:19:33pm
Author Host/IP: cuscon1792.tstt.net.tt/

I just realized that I posted 13 ladies that stood out to me so I better just add two and make a top 15 favorites (not prediction) list. The other 2 likes are Netherlands and Angola (but I would not be surprised to see either Aruba or Curacao place ahead of her).

On an interesting note Mautitius has sent the best MU rep. that country has had in a very long time. I wonder if she would snag a MUorg spot.

As YO-YO said, this year is one of the most compeitive in the past decade. I am expecting a much stronger slate of semifinalists than last year.

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[> Subject: Preliminary dresses

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Date Posted: Tuesday, September 13, 03:52:00am
Author Host/IP: 186-45-135-198.dynamic.tstt.net.tt/

... and this is my problem the franchise holders tend to leave the better dress for if they get into the finals when the need to present the best dress at the preliminaries. At prelim there are so may other girls you really need to stand out. where did they get this reverse concept from. It's the same thing that happened to Latoya as well taking into consideration that she failed to bring it on as well. BOBBY ACKBARALI = stunning dresses. Valene dress for Ms World was just to die for come on people.Case in point - Ms Malaysia - intelligent great figure but her gown choice was boring. "Its not the dress its the way the girls carry it" Yeah right. If that was the case then Gabby would have been in Take note Trinidad and Tobago.

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[> [> Subject: congratulations to Miss Angola

Jane lewis (good)
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Date Posted: Thursday, September 29, 10:03:23pm
Author Host/IP: 99-158-134-164.lightspeed.tukrga.sbcglobal.net/

Thanks Gabby you were great as usual, And Lets ALSO congratulate the beautiful winner Miss Angola, She a was the best.

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