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Subject: Anya top 3 in Project Runway?

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Date Posted: Sunday, October 02, 08:22:43am
Author Host/IP: cuscon1858.tstt.net.tt/

O.K. So I know I said I thought Anya did not make it but I have to confess that after this week's show I think she did. I only saw Laura's collection and Anya but from what I was reading online alot of people though Laura, Anthony Ryan and Victor were the top 3 based on the expensive-looking fabric they used. After Anthony's elimination this week, I have to admit that I am convinced Anya is top 3 because at the end of the day NONE of her clothes look cheap. In fact I think it is one of the best spring/summer collections I have seen in a while.

Her entire collection has a very strong Caribbean feel with some african influence coming though. I hope no one bites my head of for this but personally, her clothes resonate more with me than any collection Meiling has produced. I think she is on her way to being much bigger than Meiling. I can actually see her designs resonating with the buying public globally.

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[> Subject: Do you want to know?

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Date Posted: Monday, October 03, 03:07:27pm
Author Host/IP: cpe-76-94-226-47.socal.res.rr.com/

If you want to know if she made it or not I can tell you but if ot I will keep my moth shot.


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[> [> Subject: Well...

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Date Posted: Monday, October 03, 04:40:28pm
Author Host/IP: cuscon2644.tstt.net.tt/

...as much as I would like to know, I love the suspense so as of now I don't want to know.

Now YO-YO, you seem to know alot about the Trini pageant scene and the models. I just saw that Renee Bhagwandeen (top 8 at MUTT2011) announced that she has been chosen to represent T&T at the Miss International 2011 pageant. Do you by chance have any idea who is training her? Who is the franchise holder? I would be happy if I found out that Ian Lee and his team secured the franchise rights because based on the crazy juding I saw at MU, I don't think it is smart to put all of one's eggs in that 'Trump' basket.

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[> [> [> Subject: Trini77, what do you think of Rene's chances at Miss International?. I did not like her for Miss Universe but do you think she has a chance at Miss International?. Would really like to know who is the local franchise holder of this pageant

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Date Posted: Monday, October 03, 07:27:01pm
Author Host/IP: c-69-137-6-131.hsd1.fl.comcast.net/

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[> [> [> [> Subject: The same here...

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Date Posted: Tuesday, October 04, 04:36:52pm
Author Host/IP: cuscon2643.tstt.net.tt/

...I would really like to know who holds the franchise. Anyways, I also did not like her at MUTT2011 but I have to admit that her latest pics are the best I have seen from her but I am sure they are retouched. Additionally, is it just me or did she get a couple of small implants. I think if she did it would be an improvement but considering she is a print model I suspect they are just insterts or good posing.

Personally, I think she does have a chance to place in the top 15 but I hope she is using WEN or some other hair product because her hair looked totally DAMAGED at the MUTT final and she literally looked like an OLD lady next to Gabby. I would prefer one solid hair color and get a tan, use less makeup and she could pull a placement. If she turns up for the international event doing the same thing she did at MUTT she can expect to clap big time. For now I am hopeful she at least brings her "A" game. I am hoping the gown is at the least very forming fitting from her waist up and shows up her cleavage in a flattering way and I would prefer her hair up.

O.K. Given all that I am saying, it's obvious I want her to place. I really have not paid much attention to MI before so I will have to see what the competition looks like in about a month.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Anya is doing great...

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Date Posted: Friday, October 07, 03:45:09am
Author Host/IP: cuscon3591.tstt.net.tt/

...after seeing this week's show I think she made the top 3 but I have to confess that I don't think she won (even though I have only seen Laura's collection apart from Anya's). Anya's collection was great (I only did not like one outfit) and her final gown in the show was freakin' awesome in my opinion. However, the reason I think Anya did not win is the same think she has been saying thoughout the program - 'it's a matter of personal taste' and in this competition it is the judges taste that matter. Anya produced the type of work that the judges have always loved and rewared in the past editions of PR and you saw the response - it was the best work by far in Nina's opinion.

Anya, in my opinion, "went brave" as they say and designed a collection that was true to her own aesthetic and Caribbean background. It's fantastic but it is not the judges aesthetic. I think they will love the collection but for all the previous PR finals they have always given the top prize to more structured, solid color designs like the winning design that Anya did this week with the bird inspired black outfit.

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