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Subject: All the best to Lee Ann!

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Date Posted: Monday, October 10, 03:52:14pm
Author Host/IP: cuscon1692.tstt.net.tt/

She looked great on the Digicel Rising Stars competition this weekend. Yes she is very slim, but my gosh she is a beauty. Additionally, I have to say that even though I know she has been prepped well for the interview portion of the international competition she sounds intelligent but really young and you get the impression she has alot to learn which I think is the BEST FIT for the MW competition. I am really expecting a WIN or at least a top 2 placement.

All delegates must arrive by the 18th October in London (the competition officially begins on the 19th Oct) so I guess Lee Ann will be departing in about 7 days. I am expecting her to place in the top 20 of BB and top 10 (top 5 or could win)of Top Model. I can't wait to see the competition gown.

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[> Subject: Well apparently my info. was wrong...

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Date Posted: Sunday, October 16, 03:14:41pm
Author Host/IP: cuscon3533.tstt.net.tt/

...Lee Ann indicated in the Trinidad Express article published this weekend that she will be departing on the 19th Oct for London. Considering it is a 10 hour flight (minimum) and the time difference, this means Lee Ann will arrive on the 20th October (or really late the night before).

Lee Ann says she is confident of making the top 10. I am expecting top 10 finshes in BB and Top Model.

It will be interesting to see how all the ladies look in London. I can't make up my mind about PR or India because of the photoshop. Additionally, I think facially Jamaica is strong but her body is not that impressive if I go with the untouched photos from MJW2011. However, in her photoshop pics she looks good. I don't get this "Jamaica will be top 5" stance of some of her countrymen though because she is about a one-half inch shorter than Gabby and she is no where close to Gabby's beauty. On merit I suspect, she is not top 20 but we all know the Jamaican camp along with PR has a very good relationship with Mrs. Morley.

For now, Lee Ann is my only pic for the Caribbean Continental title and my top fav for the crown. Additionally, I like Philippines for a spot in the semis.

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