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Subject: Re: about his "alleged" comments

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Date Posted: 08:19:54 05/28/02 Tue
In reply to: Gina 's message, "Re: about his "alleged" comments" on 00:47:51 05/28/02 Tue

Gina, I too agree about the shoe prints--that it is hard to explain how there is only one shoe print--but that would be hard to explain for anyone--Ralf or Markus--other than to simply to say that the left shoe never made clear prints in the blood. Unlike what has been stated here--several prints were non-definitive--you could not tell if the print was absolutely a right or a left shoe. As for the theory that someone planted the shoe prints, and then gave Ralf the shoes that he was found to be wearing days later--that is just too hard to believe also. If you were going to set someone up--why would you just use one shoe? I'd use both--probably on my hands. And many reports glossed over the fact that shoe prints were found under the body--indicating that there was blood loss and someone walking around the area before she ever hit the floor. Again, does it sound like a set up? I think it was poor judgement to bring up the whole "one-legged-man" thing--I don't think anyone bought that. It would have been better to just leave it as questionable or unexplained--rather than try to fill in all the holes and make the jury buy it.

And I also agree that the interpreter was not impressive. But in his defense--much of what Markus said on the stand was muttered, and often he had his fingers in front of his mouth. He might have known german better than he let on, but I'm not convinced he's got a full basket of fruit... But to give him credit to create this grand scheme to frame his uncle, plant blood evidence, make bloody shoeprints and then give his uncle the same shoes, and not be seen by anyone? I think that'd be hard for anyone to pull off.

Oh, and I do agree that I was disappointed in Fieger's lawyering skills. I expected more! Maybe next time.

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Re: about his "alleged" commentsChris11:08:30 05/28/02 Tue

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