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Subject: Re: about his "alleged" comments

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Date Posted: 00:47:51 05/28/02 Tue
In reply to: anonymous juror 's message, "about his "alleged" comments" on 23:06:06 05/27/02 Mon

OK, so now you are making more sense. I did not like the defense Fieger put up and I believe, and will continue to believe, that he is much better as a civil litigator than as a criminal attorney; although as you say he did well with Dr. K and probably would have continued to if Dr. K had not gotten so "big for his britches". I fully agree that Fieger was within his constitutional rights to speak his mind AFTER the trial - but I'll have to leave that to legal minds to sort out.

Personally, I could tell just from what I read, and what little I saw on the feed from SNN in Sarasota, that the judge was partial to the prosecutor; and IMHO that, in and of itself, SHOULD get Ralf another bite of the apple. It is very clear to even the most casual observer that the press, the judge, and for the most part the public, was anti-Fieger. From your comments now, it appears that (I hope) the jury came to their own conclusions. And I certainly hope that there was no bias on their part in spite of the two very vocal jurors - who as you no doubt know are now sueing Fieger for $15,000 for damage to their reputations. (Don't make me laugh!!)

For what it's worth, I, too, believe Ralf did the deed; but I also believe that Geoff Fieger does not believe he did it, and for that reason I cannot be 100% sure. I can't get past the "one shoe print" aspect, i.e., only one foot, not both, were in the blood. Seems so unlikely that could happen. And I cannot discount Marcus, whose english, according to Elli Panitz,is far better than he pretended. She and Ralf both are convinced he understood every word and question put to him, but he used the interpreter to deflect, slow down the proceedings and confuse everybody. In fact Elli made the remark that according to Ralf, the interpreter was very poor, and did not have a very good grasp of the German language.

It is disturbing to think that prejudice and bias on the part of people who are supposed to be above that could keep an appeal from happening; I'm speaking now of the judge.

Thanks for sharing your experiences.

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Re: about his "alleged" commentsBob08:19:54 05/28/02 Tue

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