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Subject: ``back, but gone again...

Satan's ANgel/Arielle
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Date Posted: Wednesday, July 30, 03:59:45pm

Alright, I just got back from camp in DC. But besides that, I didn't post before because I was awfully confused between Dice's CM and the real CM and I ended up using Dice's for awhile and this terra isn't on that one. Anyways, I guess I'll go to a different terra and start again. I did it 2 years 2 and 1/2 years ago, I can do it again. Tootelo!


±A mild beating is felt deep within the earth as the Queen returns to her Kingdom. Slenderly muscled stilts carry the royal bulk of the wind-child. Scythes follow imprints that had been made by the same so long ago. She had been long gone after many days past. Ahh, but what is this? A new ruler has succombed to her land. She was not welcomed anymore...
An immeadiate sliding stop is made as dust flies up around her, closing in on her, pushing her away. Ebon bulk shifts and shakes, as plumage flicks and the dust goes away. Deep ooids of a transparent opalic sapphire look sadly unto her once-land. She couldn't even say goodbye to Atlanta or her children. It was a pity, but they'll soon forget. Things like that happen. Memories stay vivid until they get so rusty that they crumble... falling into pieces that are to hard to put together. A faint smile, or one that may seem so on a horse appears. Her son was a lead, finally he had his namesake. It was a pity she couldn't see him all grown up. And Lorien, still a child, but she too will be a mare soon. Ready to have offspring of her own. Maybe somehow she'll live on. But she won't come here again. It isn't like the Dreamspeaker Falls of her past. Maybe if she just stayed for a little... watched the sunset...No, I must leave. This is no longer my heard. I knew it would happen someday, just not like this. Maybe I still have a chance...
With a touseling of ebon tendrils, bruja rears with the strength of her childhood, striking out at unseen foes with sharpened charcol scythes. A loud neigh is sent out to her homeland... She has returned. With that a nischevious look is set into the intelligent eyes of the femme fatele. If she had been a tiger, she would have growed. If she had been a dragoness, she would have roared; her flames flying everywhere. If she were but a fae, she would concouct up some sort of magical plan that would ofcourse suceed. But she wasn't any of them, she was a mere horse who can shape-shift a few times.
Bulk is swiveled around and a gallop is made off in the direction of her plan...±

~*~Wait, I think I might not leave.... hehehe. Madgirl's back, back again...~*~

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^upon silent wings^ResaelisWednesday, July 30, 07:01:07pm

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