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Date Posted: 22:36:56 01/25/00 Tue
Author: §Matt§
Subject: So much talk about God......

All of our talks on God is just an assumption, is it not? Sure, we can easily say "I am God", "God is everything", "God is love", "God is enlightenment", but all of this is an assumption. All assumptions are from fear. We fear our mortailty, thus we say secure phrases like "We are God" or "God will save us". All of this arises out of the fear of imortality. When one's actions are based on fear, knowing is impossible. Fear is not knowing, and love is knowing.
You cannot just give to the world and say "I am loving, so I must know God!" If it were that simple to know God, by giving to tothers, then there would be no question of God's existance because everyoe has given before.

There are two God's: One, sectarianously, beileves that God is a separate entity that one must form a relationship with by abiding to a moral standard. The other believse that they are God.

If you are believing that you are God, then you are saying that God is objective. That whatsoever you are, whatsoever you like and dislike, whatsoever you desire and despise is what God is. Such an objective idea of God is nothing more than greed. - wanting God to be that who you are and not Adolph Hitler or Charles Manson.

Or perhaps you say "Our very nature is God!". Still, you are claiming that who you are now is not your nature. If you are a poet, you are then saying that beign a poet is not your nature. If you are a mother, you are saying that being a mother is not your nature. You have admitted that you are not your nature, that God is your nature. Such an idea creates distance between you and your nature. Such an idea puts your nature at a distant, because you are not yet your nature; you are still a poet, a mother, a father, a carpenter, a student, etc etc. To say "God is my nature" is contradictory because you are saying your very essence (God)is not who you are at this very moment whch is not the essence (being a poet, carpenter, father, student, teacher).

Who is interested in finding out their true nature? If you are still somebody, a painter, a schollar, a seeker, an astronaut, then you are these things and not your true nature. Nature means that which is natural; pure. One day you are a singer, the next you are a writer. One day you like men, the next you like women. One day you say that you are happy, the next day you say that you are sad. How can your nature be changing so constantly if it is of the utmost purity? Nature is that which is ultimately pure, yet you are not pure; who you are always changes, isn't that so? You say "I am a great poet" and that's who you are, a great poet. Then you begin to read the poetry of the great poets and see that your poerty is mediocre! Now you say "I am a horrible poet!" and that's who you now are, a horrible poet. Who we say we are is just a projection, a reaction to society. Whosoever we say we are is just an illusion, because only illusions can change so quickly and profoundly.

So how can we know our true nature? If we can plow past our changing nature which is a false nature, then is it possible to know our true nature which is a pure nature?

When we say "I am God" or "God is this and that", then we are closing the doors to God because we have already concluded what we think God to be. God is not a conclusion. God is not "this" or "that". God is not something you can say "there it is!" to. As long as you say "I am experiencing God, you are creating a distance between you and God. To experience means to remain as you are while feeling the other. You cannot be what you experience. If you experience love, then you are not love. If you experience the taste of an Apple, then you are not the taste of an apple. Whatsoever you can experience, you are not. So if God is an experience to you, then know well that you are experiencing only that which you are not.... and that has no use whatsoever.

One cannot realize oneself if he is saying "I am this or that", because then he is creating a condition and when one is conditioned, one cannot realize anything more than that condition.


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