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Subject: **The wolf returns** .......

Riasa Lafaryl
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Date Posted: 02:45:34 03/14/03 Fri
In reply to: Klik Redwolf 's message, "**The wolf returns...**" on 21:04:02 03/11/03 Tue

**As Kinnan returns under the heavy load of meat, she nods her head in approval. That should do them nicely for quite some time. Taking the spear full of fish she places it near the fire to smoke for a little while. As she listens to the wolf speak she moves to gather some dockleaves and ginger. Bringing the items back to the fire she methodically chops up the ginger with her long dagger and takes each fish from the spear, sprinkles ginger over it and then wraps it tightly in a dockleaf. After this she places the fish in the coals under the logs, leaving the fire and smoke to cook the stag in.

This done she looks at the stone and oil left lying nearby by Klik. Carefully wiping her blade on a patch of grass she clears all the ginger off it. She then takes up the stone and oil, working her long dagger back to its sharpness. Lifting her head for a moment she queries Klik.**

"Ah yes... a new dwelling wouldn't go astray. Though it must always be remembered that if we have a fort we can not only be found, but attacked. I suppose being found isn't too bad for business, we just need to make sure it's defensible. There's nothing to stop up storing certain bounties elsewhere is need be.... Casey? You say she has returned? Will she join us here or has she departed already? And what of this job may I ask, who is it to be?"

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Subject Author Date
Re: **The wolf returns** .......Klik21:39:21 03/17/03 Mon
  • Re: -- Riasa Lafaryl, 23:20:12 03/22/03 Sat

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