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Subject: **The wolf returns...**

Klik Redwolf
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Date Posted: 21:04:02 03/11/03 Tue
In reply to: Riasa Lafaryl 's message, "**Continues to tend the fire**" on 00:09:18 01/20/03 Mon

**The wolf returns with a male stag over his right shoulder, and a dozen of fish upon a rock tipped spear. looking towards the pair, he smiles. "I think this should last us a few days at least..." Handing the spear of fish to Riasa, he takes four logs, putting two on each side of the fire, tip to tip, and pushing them into the ground. Tieing a string around the top and doing the same for the other side. Then placing the large stag down near the fire... he looks to them. "Seems we have a job... Casey and I will be gone for a little bit... it may be dangerous, but we shall return. Nothing has changed our plans. Tonight we eat and drink and dance under the moonlight. Tomarrow morning casey and I will head off and will be back in 3 days if all goes as it should. By then I want to see wood started to be gathered in mass quantities... for our new home." he smiles a moment on the thought. "6 sunups from our return we should have enough wood and supplies to begin work... one area at a time."
Sitting down near the fire, he takes out some oil and begins to oil up his large blade... content, he then takes a sharpening stone and begins to sharpen his blade to its once deadly edge... he does this for what seems like an hour untill he is content with its edge, checking by running his paw along the edge softly and watching a small drop of blood trickle and gather at the indentation down its center which takes weight off the hilt. Bringing his paw to his mouth and licking it clean, he slowly slides the blade into its scabbard and leaves the oil and sharpening stone there for anyone else to use, if they wish to. He then takes a dagger out of his boot and helps riasa by skinning the stag while she takes care of the fish*

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**The wolf returns** .......Riasa Lafaryl02:45:34 03/14/03 Fri

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