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Date Posted: 13:42:29 05/07/14 Wed
Author: Bernie (no longer jealous of the rolling Stones in any way)
Author Host/IP: cpe-74-71-149-96.nyc.res.rr.com /
Subject: Im Getting Tired of Scandals

I see no reason to drag Brian or his Stones and everybody else connected with them trough the mud! For the better, The Rolling Stones ARE the Ultimate Rock and Roll band,and I used to get very jealous of them because Im just not in their league, but now that I will be 61 on July 31, I realize I have indeed gotten a lot of good breaks, did learn to play good guitar by figuring out Stones songs like many of my friends and contemporaries and after years of illness which is just my lot in life, I HAVE survived and cant be anyone but me thats all ANYONE can do, Rich or poor,or regardless of race or circumstance..I still have a lot in common with Brian Jones, and Mick Jagger,and am very happy and content,and if fucked up things happen, you can only try to correct them .Shit happens.so I just want to apologize to anyone I may offend, and most people are glad to hear me play not only my own songs for them But as many Stones songs as I can remember..I need my family and friends,and this little space is full of people I consider cyberfriends..Im just glad I still have my left leg and my head is clear. And Id rather hear The Rolling Stones more than any other Band. I Love You. Peace, jajouka, Bernard James

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