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Date Posted: 07:02:34 05/22/14 Thu
Author: Delilah
Author Host/IP: modemcable190.100-21-96.mc.videotron.ca /
Subject: Re: Case Closed
In reply to: Linda 's message, "Re: Case Closed" on 04:39:16 05/22/14 Thu

I'm a "show me" type of person. I like to deal with concrete facts and concrete proof. I have faith in science above all else because for a scientific theory to be accepted as fact, it has to be demonstrated and proven first. There's no room for "yes but" opinions.

All this to say that I have trouble with the so-called "paranormal", which includes psychics. This person could sincerely believe what they are saying. Or they could be spinning a yarn. There's just no way to know! And even if they're sincere, there's still a world of difference between being sincere and being right.

Since I believe in science above all else, I also believe that it is unfortunately too late to find out for certain what happened to Brian, much less prove it. Witness accounts become more unreliable with each passing day, and that is if the witnesses are even still alive. At least one of them (Anna) has re-written history in a way that suits her and makes her look her best.

And of course, any clues or physical evidence are long gone.

If Brian was the victim of foul play, I believe that it is simply too late to find the culprit and bring him to justice. I also believe that anyone who says otherwise and pretends to be "investigating Brian's murder" is only trying to fool people. That is how I see it, even though I know that some people may not agree.

Finally, I believe that there can still be a form of justice for Brian. But all of us are needed in order to make it happen. We must make sure that Brian's music keeps on being heard and that his extraordinary talents and contribution are recognized.

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