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Date Posted: 08:20:35 05/26/14 Mon
Author: Bernie (Amazed)
Author Host/IP: cpe-74-71-149-96.nyc.res.rr.com /
Subject: Re: Denial, it's not just a river in Egypt.
In reply to: Lazlo 's message, "Denial, it's not just a river in Egypt." on 07:18:16 05/26/14 Mon

I agree with Delilah and SMS completely. If I am well is because of good science, If Rock and Roll exists its because of science, If we landed on the moon Its because of science. I just HOPE Brian is in a better place as I do all my loved ones who are now deceased..I dont even believe what John Lennon said about death; "Its like getting out of one car and into another".As far as Psychic phenomena are concerned, Ive lived long enough to know theyre a bunch of bullshit that people who do witchcraft or did too much acid believe in. I really dont like this NONSENSE putting everybody at each others throats, which is exactly what anybody who hates Brian Jones would want to have happen we are a rather small group on a site that once had a million hits a year and all sorts of people talking about Brian and his music, which is his gift to the world, not some silly"Psychic" thing- Im off to Enjoy him. Im also going to look at him here. It just goes to make me more of a fan. And as far as the Rolling Stones go, its like you yourself once said, Lazlo, "Just throw the shit at the wall and see what sticks"-Theyve always been good at that. Peace Love and jajouka, your good friend B-

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