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Date Posted: 11:16:54 09/24/14 Wed
Author: George (Opinions wanted)
Author Host/IP: c-71-63-15-4.hsd1.va.comcast.net /
Subject: What Really happened in February 1967?

Hi All!!

Okay I suppose all or most of you know the story of Brian Keith and Anita leaving (driving in Keith's Limo "the Blue Lena") for Morocco on the ill fated trip that changed not only Brian's life but Anita/Keith's as well. The dynamics in the Band changed permanantly. So many things changed after that trip!! Brian never recovered in my opinion. Was it because Brian lost the love of his life, Anita? Or did Brian feel abondoned/betrayed by the Stones (Keith and Mick)? I suppose I should say only say Keith and not Mick because it was Keith who stole (he says recued) Anita away from Brian. Whatever, Keith (asshole)... the slippery slope was greased and it was a long, long ride to the bottom for Brian regardless.

My opinion is both. Brian loved Anita and lost her to his "best friend" in Brian's band. So after only a few weeks time, from the beginning of their journey leaving one day before Brian's Birthday (February 28, 1967), to Brian's lonely trip back to London (I do mean lonely), Brian not only lost his band (symbolically with his friends deserting him at the Hotel with no money, credit cards etc...) but his girlfriend (love of his life) and best friend!! A tragic, bitter tale that is unfortunate (for Brian).

So Brian gets back to London and then has to face his band mates and go on a tour with the same guy who betrayed him!! Why did Brian not leave the band right there and then??!! I know I would have. With a special Middle Finger salute to Keith (not meant to say he was number one either)!! There is no way in hell I would have gone on that tour. Why did Brian do it??

So let's open up the dialogue and discuss. Look forward to the opinions... all I know is Brian was screwed every which way to Sunday that fateful late February 1967. It was Brian's (like Caesar in Rome) Ides of March. Someone should have warned Brian to beware of close friends and keep his enemies closer!!

Hope everyone is doing well. Has anyone read the new book?

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