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Date Posted: 09:54:01 09/15/16 Thu
Author: EL (good to see the board up and running!)
Author Host/IP: pool-173-54-170-47.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net /
Subject: Re: The Stones are hiding what really happened. Maybe.
In reply to: Eric 's message, "The Stones are hiding what really happened." on 15:48:18 09/12/16 Mon

Remember. . . The music business IS a business.... and one that generates A LOT of money $$$. Now in 1969, when Jagger wanted to take the Stones back to America for a huge stadium-level tour, Brian was a problem because he either didn't want to/ couldn't go. In his own words, Brian said he "couldn't take it" anymore, and, although he may have been healthy enough to tour, it's possible that he simply couldn't put up with all the aggravation that goes along with living in hotels city by city on a grueling schedule for months and months at a time.

We all know that Jagger enlisted Mick Taylor to replace Brian, but when Jagger informed Brian that they were heading out on tour with Mick T., it is my humble opinion that Brian may have informed HIM that they were NOT going anywhere. Brian owned the name "Rolling Stones" and the band NEEDED Brian's legal ok to tour. Or, they needed to pay him, whether he was going on the tour or not,just as they had to continue to pay him record royalties from their discs sold. That's how the music business works.

Gerry once said on this forum that she RAN INTO Brian in Greenwich Village NY in 1969,who told her he was here for "business AND pleasure"...and it's highly possible he stopped by Allen Klein's office to read him the riot act on WHO owned the Stones' name and rights. Maybe Brian demanded a lot of money to allow the tour to happen. That, we'll never know.

But if so - Bad move.

In less than a month, Olympic-grade swimmer [just ask Keith Richards] Brian Jones was dead, drowned in six feet of water. Me, personally, I don't believe he did it without some help. I think when Klein saw the possibility of millions of dollars being washed down the toilet because of a potentially cancelled tour [and the Stones desperately DID need the money - their finances were in shambles in 1969] he opted to find a way to "take care of the problem".

How much Mick, Keith or the rest of the Stones were involved in this, only they know.

Interestingly, after Brian's death, Mick bought the name from Brian's estate [Being his closest living relatives, Brian's Mum and Dad inherited everything - including that valuable name.]. Lewis and Louisa Jones were only too happy to divest themselves of anything to do with Stones, [particularly since they would receiving a rather large amount of money...I don't know what the settlement was.

I've always felt that Brian's death was directly related to his bad business decisions in 1969, and was quite surprised when Gerry said that Brian WAS here in New York that year.

Best wishes to all

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