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Date Posted: 22:15:33 12/04/24 Wed
Author: confused feiser
Author Host/IP: d-69-171-195-3.oh.cpe.breezeline.net /
Subject: not sure who the founders are either
In reply to: Wondering.... 's message, "Does Trinity discourage senior dancers continuing? Do they all join TIDC and give up competing?" on 21:18:05 12/04/24 Wed

Broadway article says their founding members were two ladies from Irish Dance schools in Columbus and San Francisco. I thought they were founded by some dude in 1987-1990? Unless he and the other women founded it together?

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[> Former Trinity dancer who danced to adulthood here! Never thought I would post on the Voy, but I’d like to share some perspective. TL DR: Trinity has so many opportunities that I think dancers feel fulfilled with their dance careers and want to move onto a different stage of life after high school. Trinity and its community are super supportive of and helpful to dancers who want to continue dancing as adults though! (longer explanation in the comment) -- No name, 12:34:17 12/05/24 Thu (syn-076-036-244-011.res.spectrum.com/

So for some general context, when you’re younger at Trinity, you do performance and compete in solos. At some point, you may start doing teams as well. When you get old enough (I think it's 13 or 14?), you have opportunities to perform nationally and internationally. Some people realize they enjoy performing more than solos and shift their focus to that instead (eg. joining the performance focused class). I think the general mindset by the time high school graduation comes is that people feel fulfilled with their Irish dance careers and want to focus on a new stage of life in adulthood.

When I decided to continue in college, I didn't know what to expect (dancing as an adult wasn't as popular as it is now), and I was pleasantly surprised at how supportive Trinity was! One thing I really appreciated was how much they respected my autonomy as an adult and understood that I now had a different mindset and priorities. When I told them I planned to dance in college, they did ask me if I wanted to continue doing teams, which I said no to because of time, but it was nice to know that the opportunity was still there.

There ended up being like 4-5 of us adult dancers competing in solos at one point, and I think the school was genuinely really excited to have a group of us representing in the older age groups. The other dancers and families were also super supportive as well, and they’re a huge part of why I was able to dance for as long as I did. I ended up retiring and later came back under a different school (moved regions. not T's fault), and I still get supportive messages from my former teachers who are happy to see me dancing :)

Long winded answer but wanted to share my experience because I really feel that Trinity values adult dancers and the lack of older dancers is more coincidental than anything. (Also as a side note, TIDC is separate from the academy, so it's not really influencing anything here.)

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