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Date Posted: 20:30:26 08/22/01 Wed
Author: Lady Embyr
Subject: "An explosion! Could it be an assassin?!"
In reply to: Lady Embyr 's message, "Embyr and Decius nearly tripped over the droid as they were exiting" on 19:51:17 08/19/01 Sun

Embyr quickly sealed the door to her chamber once more. The senators had many enemies, from within and from without, and there were no chances to be taken. Though the explosion sounded as though it came from a lower level, the entire building shook and she couldn't be certain where it came from. As she let go of Decius' arm she felt her knee buckle, a bad servo acting up at the worst possible time. But the old Decepticon had her pride; if there was any pain she masked her features, if there was any kind of a stumble she gracefully masqeraded it as a skip as she reached her chair. Lowering her self carefully, she tapped some controls in the handle. A metallic shell rolled around encasing her legs even as antigrav generators levitated it from its perch. She hated the chair, hated what it represented but, as proud as she was, she also understood necessity. The ravages of time were becoming less and less kind to her; compromises would have to be made.

But now, as the building rumbled in the aftershock of the explosion and the message of impending doom from a destroyed galaxy weighed heavy on her mind, she wondered if all the compromises she had made would be for naught. She thought now of the original voice message she had recieved. Surely, when Decius returned to his quarters he too would find the same message and another message droid waiting. Though Betacron's droids delivered the message of urgency he had originally intended to deliver in person at a meeting, she wondered now if a meeting of the senators was not still a good idea. This was too important not to discuss in person, and surely Betacron would be following up with a time and location. Certainly, until security teams had ascertained the cause of the explosion, all senators would be confined to quarters for safety reasons. Once the danger was confirmed to be over, IF it were truly over, then perhaps they would gather.

"It seems we'll definitely have to postpone that walk my friend; I am sorry. Indeed, once we recieve word from the guards that the very corridors are safe once more, I wonder if we shouldn't head to see Betacron himself, and not wait for him to book and schedule a conference room, to see his scientist's figures..."

As always, Decius pondered her words carefully. This time she spoke plainly, with no underlying message between the lines. The message, the explosion--for once Lady Embyr was shaken, and she waited politely in silence for Decius' mature take on the present situation...

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