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Date Posted: 19:51:17 08/19/01 Sun
Author: Lady Embyr
Subject: Embyr and Decius nearly tripped over the droid as they were exiting
In reply to: Dispatch 's message, "The dispatcher's entered each of the senators rooms..." on 14:43:59 08/18/01 Sat

After reading the note, the ancient Decepticon handed it to Decius, on whose arm she had been leaning on as they prepared to go for a walk. Embyr rued how slow she had become; a simple task as walking to the streets now seemed to take well over a week! She wondered if the flashing she now noticed on her chamber's wall messenger was also from Betacron. Either way, she was fuming.

"That disrespectful--!! "Lords" he addresses this nonsense to! To discount the proper form of addressing a female senator is akin to not addressing her at all! In my day, such impertinence would land the offender in Straxus' smelting pool! I swear, when the treaties were signed, too many of the old customs..."

Even in her anger, Embyr swiftly caught herself. To speak so openly about the ways her faction had done things in the days of the great war was open treason. She had come so far, had spent an eternity being so careful, to let a minor matter of etiquette rattle her so. But more than that was the content of the message, which had to be discussed.

"What do you make of this Senator Decius? Could there be any truth to this? An entire star system gone, with no debris and no sign of an explosion? There must be something there, some residue, spacedust, SOMETHING. Matter cannot simply be destroyed, and I find it highly improbable that a star and all orbitting planets would be simply devoured! Even the Chaos-bringer himself left a trail of crumbs in his wake before the power of the Matrix finally purged his evil."

It was an interesting point, one which all factions shared: Unicron was a force of evil which had to be expunged. Was it because as a sheer force of chaos, he threatened them all? Or was there a deeper connection between all the children of Primus, a conscience even within those who wore the insignia of the Decepticons or Predacons and claimed the title evil itself? Or, was evil in fact a title in and of itself, and a matter of subjectivity. The Decepticons certainly weren't the ones who had added the adjective to their faction-name. Embyr took the time to scan the message in her chamber computer.

"It seems Betacron had already called for a meeting to discuss this. These droids were originally to dispatch a time and a place, but instead he chose to convey this information impersonally, with no regard for security. Can he be so panicked as not to realize the implications of this news reaching the public?

I was so looking forward to our walk Decius. I'm not sure what to make of these messages now. They seem...impossible to ignore. Is there anything we can do, or shall we wait for Betacron's science teams to uncover more information about that diamond craft?"

Embyr frowned, flakes of rust falling from her lips as she did so. For one whose entire life had been meticulously planned to the minutest detail for centuries, she was ill-at-ease with change of any kind...

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