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Date Posted: 15:41:36 05/06/07 Sun
Author: Evan D.
Subject: Re: The Jim Bevan end of the Spring Semester Review Spectacular!
In reply to: Jim Bevan 's message, "The Jim Bevan end of the Spring Semester Review Spectacular!" on 14:35:40 05/06/07 Sun

Ok I understand but then much of SNL must not appeal to you, right? Because what I write is what SNL does quite a bit; celebrity references and pop culture references/parodies. I really only have a few sketches that don't base themselvs off of that premise (the NBC producers one is mostly original material although it does spoof NBC's ineptitude at ther end). Well I've got some things in store and it's a mix of things; some WU bits, Quentin Tarantino all crazy and high pitching a movie to producers, a news hour hosted by people with OCD and/or turrets, an ad for a mail-order Prince album where he covers the Beatles songbook but changes lyrics so he doesn't have to pay copyrights plus he can make the songs more suited to his style (i.e. perverted and freaky).

And there's one you may enjoy involving a pizza boy named Damien (who also runs his own pizza business at the same time) that keeps calling the wrong numbers when trying to locate the person's house for delivery. And the people he ends up calling are quite unsavoury in the end; i.e. a lonely, clingy, talkative loser named Glen and a disturbed, easily upset man he calls at 3:30 in the morning in his time zone named Chaz.

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