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Subject: Continued!

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Date Posted: 17:00:02 12/26/02 Thu
In reply to: emma 's message, "more" on 14:09:09 12/26/02 Thu

"Let's check it out." Susan said, pushing Cobalt towards the trees. Everyone followed when suddenly, a horse emitted a challenging whinny. It was Treasure! The gorgeous paint Arabian thundered out of the trees, trumpeting loudly. Without a sound, Emma spurred B-man into a gallop and chased after the loose stallion. B-man moved powerfully after him, his stride long and strong. They quickly reached the Arabian and Emma leaned out of the saddle, grabbing Treasure's halter. "Go Emma!" Dalton cheered, grinning. "Oh, hush." She said, flustered slightly. "Is Treasure alright?" Susan and Mike asked at the same time. "Yeah, he's fine, but I need to take him back to the barn." Emma said, patting both of her horses. They waited for her and when she got back, Mike and Dalton grinned. "Wanna race?" They asked. "Sure!" Emma and Susan replied. "This should be a very fast race! Two ex racers and a barrel racer. The only one who doesn't stand a chance is Susan, on her DRESSAGE horse!" Mike teased, trotting past his wife. "Oh, now you are in for it!" Susan said, asking Cobalt to halt. They all stood in a line and Dalton shouted, "Go!"...

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Subject Author Date
moreemma09:23:36 12/27/02 Fri
  • More! -- Susan, 11:28:07 12/27/02 Fri
    • more -- emma, 08:38:38 12/28/02 Sat

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