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Date Posted: 09:23:36 12/27/02 Fri
In reply to:
's message, "Continued!" on 17:00:02 12/26/02 Thu
they pounded through the woods. so far it was bman ahead, then cobalt, then the other two at a tie. "that shows you" susan mocked at mike as emma and her passed there finish tree in a dead tie. "the dressage horse is just as fast as the exracer" emma added. "sure, but i was holding this one here back" mike mumbled as he patted his horse's neck. "i still cant figure out how or why treasure got out, it looked to me that he mustv'e jumped the fence, not a broken gait ,pole, or fence any where. but treasure isn't the kind of horse that just jumps over fences for nothing, espesially when they're 5' fences. Something must've scared him, the dogs don't case the horses, and i looked aroud and didn't see any thing. did you guys here anything?
"no, but we were all talking, and horses have better hearing that humans." susan stated.
"that's true, but now i've remembered something, treasure doesn't like to be alone, he's very attached to people, he's one of those horses that likes to be around people.maybe he was trying to get back to us , when he heard our voices.
"you have a point" dalton said, whenever i go to feed him, he tries to get to me when i leave.
"that was probably it, did you put him in his stall?"mike asked
"yes, and he won't try to get out of that, he won't go out of hiw way to get to us, in his stall it would be way to hard for him to get out.he now knows that he's not supposed to jump fences.
"so, what should we do now? emma asked as they reached the pool?" SUSAN CONTINUE!!!!!!
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