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Date Posted: 15:18:25 09/05/01 Wed
Author: Return to Forever
Author Host/IP: snjts3-33-147.jersey.net /
Subject: *Gallop*
In reply to: Michelle 's message, "*Laugh*" on 14:54:22 09/05/01 Wed

*she lunges and bucks as the rope hits her back, not used to something being there, she gallops straight for the fence, as if to crash right through it, but veers away at the last second, continueing to untirelessly gallop around the arena, when the human leaves she drops to a trot, then stops, gaining her breath back, taking a good look at the surroundings*

*Seeing the other mare, carring the human no less, starts the mare up again, feeling safer at a full out gallop, she flattens her ears as the other races her around the arena, lounging to nip her angrily as she is cut off, only to be stopped as she ducks the rope thrown for her, then she gallops again, trying to get away, only to have to run in the same circle, feeling the other's teeth on her rump, wild one bucks, aiming for the golden one's chest and legs, she again relaxes as the human and horse leave*

*she watches with new curiousity as the black is brought out, remembering this is the one she rode to the wild lands where she had been captured, as well as the one who had gotten too close to her colt, she snaps at him, ears flattened as well, she unsuccessfully tries to get away from the stallion, only to find herself blocked off, finally she submits to the stallion, as her instincts told her to do, still watching human and stallion curiously*

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