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Date Posted: 14:54:22 09/05/01 Wed
Author: Michelle
Author Host/IP: spider-wo054.proxy.aol.com /
Subject: *Laugh*
In reply to: Return to Forever & Intent to Return 's message, "*Stomp*" on 22:53:40 09/04/01 Tue

*The girl makes a loop in her rope. Tossing it at the enraged mare, she steps back. The rope hits the mare on her back, and slides off, causing a feeling that something was on the horses back. Michelle takes the rope back and loops ip. She walks out quickly of the arena door and closes it, letting the mare give off some steam. Walking to the barn, Michelle takes out her mare Fiasco. The palimino snorts being led by the girl. Michelle throws a saddle on the mare and a bridle. Tightening the saddle, she swings herself upon the sturdy mare. The arabian raises her head, snorting at the running mare. Though, she calmly walks into the arena. Michelle leans back and closes the door. Kicking the mare into a gallop, Michelle chases after the other in a full run. The palimino circles past the chestnut, cutting her off. Michelle takes a rope a throws it at the mare's neck, missing. After the chestnut dodges the rope, Michelle spurs the palimino again. The mare catches up with the wild one, and then nips her on the rump. Michelle pulls the palimino's head away from the wild one's, then leaps off the horse. She pulls the bridle and saddle off, leading her back to her stall. She goes to get her stallion, Sure-Fire. The black colt is waiting anxiously at his door, pawing the ground. She leads him in, and lets him go free with the mare. Sure-Fire watches Michelle close the gate. He watches the chestnut mare circle. He nickers to her, not understanding what's going on. He trots up to her, throwing his head up in the air. After seeing she was wild, and he was half wild, he reared straight up in the air. Ears are flattened, and he nips her repeadly. The stallion's eyes watch her moves, then he cuts her off everytime she tries to go. He watches her closely, then waits for her submission. He was familiar to this porcedure. Michelle would bring home and mare, colt, filly or stallion, then she, Fiasco and Sure-Fire would tame it, then, she will see if the mare is well enough to go back in the wild. Until then, if the mare will not be kept as riding stock, the mare will be kept in her wild surroundings until she's well, then Michelle will let her go. Anyway, the black colt snaked his neck and trotted around her, showing her she better obey them. He waits for her response.

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