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Subject: Weird..

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Date Posted: 15:14:37 03/12/03 Wed
In reply to: Tess 's message, "yeah..." on 12:41:26 03/12/03 Wed

ok that chick sounds really disturbed. maybe you should stay away from her before she tries to put a hex or something on you :\ lol. yeah thats good the person who bought libby has money to opperate on her. i hope you get out there soon to see her. well ah..the "stuff" i was talkin about..my mum discovered something was going on in the barn..something seriously unethical and completely totally WRONG. it turned out some of the horses which had been winning in cross country and other distance events had been..hmm..how to put this..hyped up with stuff. luckily it only happened twice but both my mum and i felt we didn't want any part in that even though they made it clear it was a "few time thing because it was so prostegious" (i dont think i spelt that right)..cuz i mean if anyone found out we could pay the consequences although we didn't even know about it until it was done and over, so its just safer this way. actually im pretty sure authorities were tipped off by one of the workers. they probably didnt do anything about it anyway. posey haha thats a cute name. the only pet we have now is a 2 yr old golden retriever named Curtis who moved w/ us. i think he probably misses his mom (they lived on 'the farm' together) but anywho..we departed on good terms and ann's family completely understood why we were leaving..erm, i think. lol. ive been playing with the idea of going out to that stable this weekend. i can always take a cab or something i mean i have plenty of my own money from winnings and pay checks from when we worked in maryland. yeah my mom is getting pretty excited about getting closer to her degree. she's already been accepted (cuz of her previous experience) on this thing where she'll go around with a large animal vet and get payed to do all the normal things a vet does..so thats cool. we'll most likely move as soon as shes done with school. we're only here because this is a good school for her and the fee isnt too bad. i met some nice people at school. most of them are older though..they are a bit "ruff around the edges" you could say but they are generally nice people i think. one of them has ridden a few times. i suppose this is getting kind of long so ill let ya go.

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Yeah, tell me about it..Tess17:03:32 03/13/03 Thu

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