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Date Posted: 09:25:28 10/24/03 Fri
Author: Andrew
Subject: Re: What's Wrong with Montreal??/
In reply to: Paul J 's message, "Re: What's Wrong with Montreal??/" on 05:05:03 10/24/03 Fri

>After the season we could have a vote and see if
>people want to use different game plans. If we get
>say 10 of the 14 GM's saying yes we could do it
>Basically you can select an offense and defense , i
>think for the first and second half ???
>What i think could be unfair is that people with FB
>Pro could try every single gameplan and see what one
>is best and go with that. People without the game
>cant do anything apart from go with their favourite
>teams offense and defense really

I think this could spice things up a bit. It's often frustrating when your team/coach calls plays that you'd never dream of e.g. fake punt at a key moment, run up the middle on third-and-one when every other run up the middle has been stuffed for a four yard loss. I agree with Paul, however, that those with the game could gain an advantage - but would they really gain an insight without the FWL team files? Of course, you could type in all your players, but who would do this for every single team.

One way round this would be for everyone to get the game. Given that it isn't supported any more, and that Sierra are quite progressive, could we just arrange to ensure everyone has a copy? Of course, if you've got a Linux computer, or a Mac, you might not get FBPro to run.


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