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Date Posted: 13:09:14 10/31/03 Fri
Author: Ross Mather
Subject: Re: What's Wrong with Montreal??/
In reply to: Andrew 's message, "Re: What's Wrong with Montreal??/" on 09:25:28 10/24/03 Fri

There are a number of leagues in existance, or at least there were where you could take over the whole gameplanning process. I know I played in the BBL (Black and Blue Football League) for a while, and while it modifies some things - it doesn't fix everything.

>>After the season we could have a vote and see if
>>people want to use different game plans. If we get
>>say 10 of the 14 GM's saying yes we could do it
Sounds like a fair enough plan in the first instance. The good old 2/3rds majority for change.

>>Basically you can select an offense and defense , i
>>think for the first and second half ???
You actually select two different things per half for Offense and Defense. You select a gameplan which contains the actual plays that are run, and then a game profile which sets by percentage the type of play you want to run in a particular situation (I think there are 1500 odd situations in profile).

Included in the game are plans and profiles for the various teams in the NFL and then a number of standard plans and profiles.

In the leagues I played in you could change everything you liked, including the plays. This meant you could adjust plays to fit your players, or design new plays. This really affects how the game is played.

What I think is achieveable for us would be to allow us to select for the gameplans and profiles available as standard. This won't eliminate all the problems - but will help on this particular issue.

>>What i think could be unfair is that people with FB
>>Pro could try every single gameplan and see what one
>>is best and go with that. People without the game
>>cant do anything apart from go with their favourite
>>teams offense and defense really
And remember that the game is from an Era where Steve Young started for the 49ers not Jeff Garcia - or as it is this week Tim Rattay. Picking your favourite team wouldn't work for Niki as his isn't even in the game :-).

>I think this could spice things up a bit. It's often
>frustrating when your team/coach calls plays that
>you'd never dream of e.g. fake punt at a key moment,
>run up the middle on third-and-one when every other
>run up the middle has been stuffed for a four yard
Not all of this is solved but it would be helpful if you could exert more control over your gameplanning as it would allow teams to develop a more individual style. Right now everybody seems to want the same type of player.

> I agree with Paul, however, that those with the
>game could gain an advantage - but would they really
>gain an insight without the FWL team files? Of course,
>you could type in all your players, but who would do
>this for every single team.
Even then its not 100% a good idea. Each player has two sets of ratings, and Actual - what we see, and a Maximum Potential and the Max Potentials also play a role in each players characteristics. These are so immpotrtant that utilities were devised by leagues to mask these values out of the files sent out to the individual players.

>One way round this would be for everyone to get the
>game. Given that it isn't supported any more, and that
>Sierra are quite progressive, could we just arrange to
>ensure everyone has a copy? Of course, if you've got a
>Linux computer, or a Mac, you might not get FBPro to
Its old enough that it will probably run under Linux's Windoze emulator.

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